Spain: “Spaniards Yes, Refugees No”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2015

Everyone is fed-up.

Even Spain, which is known for being an entire nation of hippies.

But not even hippies like getting gang-raped and mugged.


Around 600 far-right protesters marched through Madrid on Saturday, demanding “social aid” for Spaniards and holding banners and placards reading “Spaniards Welcome,” a play on the “Refugees Welcome” movement currently organising across Europe.

I doubt they were all “far-right.” This has become a catch-all term for anyone who is like “hey yo, what’s the deal with all these brown people huddled on the streets harassing women and robbing people?”

At some point they realized that calling everyone “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” was getting too silly and was going to back-fire, so they’ve switched out the term for “far-right” in many instances.