Spain: White Police Officer Thrown Under Train by Black Illegal Immigrant

January 6, 2014

Francisco Javier Ortega was working at the train station when he was pushed onto the tracks by an ungrateful Black barbarian.

The 28-year-old policeman Francisco Javier Ortega was on a routine job at a train station in Madrid, as an African asylum seeker suddenly grabbed him and threw him and himself in front of an arriving train. The policeman died shortly afterwards from the injuries. The killer is an illegal asylum seeker from the Ivory Coast.

The police officer, Francisco Javier Ortega (28) was on the station in connection with a bomb threat that was called in the day before.

At the station Ortega and another police officer asked a group of men at the station for identification papers.

One of these men, Yoda Ali Raba, an illegal asylum seeker from the Ivory Coast, then began to fight with Ortega and pushed the police officer against the train tracks.

The incident led to both Ortega and Ali Raba fell before an arriving train.

Other passengers on the platform began filming the scene which led to the policeman’s death.

Officer Ortega was taken to a local hospital, but his life could not be saved and he died shortly afterwards.

Ortega was posthumously given an award for his service.

The man who pushed the policeman has been named by the Spanish newspaper El Pais, as 28-year Yode Ali Raba from the Ivory Coast.

According to the newspaper Ali Raba came illegally to Spain in 2011.

Ali Raba have survived the fall and is being treated in a hospital for head injuries.

The Spanish Police Director, Ignacia Cosidó, described police officer Ortega’s death as a “homicide”.

– It is clear that it was intended to push the police officer to the train tracks and throw him under a incoming train.

The comments by the Director came after a ceremony, where police officer Ortega posthumously received a gold medal for his service.

Police Officers stood guard of honor outside the chapel when the coffin of police officer Ortega was brought to its final resting place.

His family was then given the Spanish flag and his hat before a ceremony was held in his honor.

The dirty immigrant creature Yode Ali Raba had been in Spain since 2011.

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