Spanish Mayor Slams Algerians and Moroccans as Sponging Fraudsters

Diversity Macht Frei
July 19, 2014

Javier Maroto

The mayor of Vitoria said on Cadena SER Vitoria that some groups of Algerian and Moroccan citizens come to Vitoria mainly “to live on social assistance without any interest in integrating, and that in itself is fraud.”

Source: Cadena Ser

“The fraud in social assistance for some specific nationalities is scandalous. Even more, some nationalities live mainly on social assistance and have no interest in working and integrating”

The mayor highlighted as another example the case of the jihadist who died in Syria while he was collecting income support in Vizcaya, and was collecting benefits for six months after his death. Maroto focused on Algeria and Morocco as “the most obvious cases” in this situation. “There are people who come because they have been told that you can live on benefits here. And to me that seems like fraud.”

“People who come from Latin America are not the same, they come to work and mainly integrate. I don’t see the same attitude in other nationalities. And I mention Algeria and Morocco because they are the most obvious cases,” he concluded.

Source:  Alerta Digital