Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 11, 2014

A Spanish “anti-racist” organization has discovered racism in the clubs of Spain, by running an experiment where they sent in Whites and non-Whites – black, Arab, Latin and Spanish Gypsy – dressed the same, and found that many clubs were more likely to deny entry to non-Whites than Whites.
From the Local:
SOS Racismo worked with white Spaniards and youngsters of other ethnicities in five Spanish cities to determine if they were treated differently at the same nightclubs.
Both groups of subjects were formally dressed, sober, politely spoken and attempted to get into clubs that were neither at their maximum capacity nor after admission times.
The results were conclusive, if not startling: on average one in four nightclubs investigated allowed the white customers in without objections while giving the other non-white subjects excuses.
“These excuses ranged from ‘you can’t come to a nightclub alone’, ‘you’re not on the list’ before even checking the list, to ‘it’s a private party'”, Mikel Mazkiaran, Secretary General of SOS Racism, told The Local.
Race and appearance were never used as a pretext by the doormen. “It’s hard to prove it exists, that’s why this investigation is so effective,” Mazkiaran added.
Out of the five Spanish cities put under the microscope, A Coruña (northern Spain) scored two out of five for ‘racist’ nightclubs, the Basque city of San Sebastián got one in four and Zaragoza one in nine.
Barcelona was the city with the worst results, after three out of the five nightclubs tested stopped non-white partygoers from entering, while the Spanish capital of Madrid achieved the best score with no discrimination at the five establishments that were scrutinized.
Though it does bring a bit of a smirk to my face, these findings are not particularly interesting to me. If they are going to do investigations into racism, they should find some more interesting angles.
What the anti-racist organization did not investigate is:
a) why would these clubs want non-Whites inside? and
b) why would these clubs not want non-Whites inside?
Answering “a” is more subjective – I cannot think of any reason you would want them inside, or why this organization would expect that they would want them inside, other than because they might be spending money.01
On the other hand, “b” has many much more obvious answers.
Firstly, as a general rule, White people just feel more comfortable around other White people. But that isn’t really something that is directly at play here, since a club is out to make money.
More than likely, even if they are dressed the same, they are likely to have significantly less money to spend. They are objectively more likely to commit a crime, such as theft or the starting of a fight. They are also significantly more likely – and this is the deal killer for a night club – to make the women feel uncomfortable in a way that drives them away and thus kills the party.

So, the fact that non-Whites are not as welcome in clubs as Whites is not really very interesting. It is pretty much obvious, and I think that all non-Whites living in White countries, and probably most Whites as well, are aware of this fact. We didn’t really need this study. What we need is studies on the reasons why this is the case, because simply saying “muh racism, no reason, hates the color of skin” just isn’t cutting it any more.
We need to have an explanation of why this racism exists.
We need studies.
We need facts and figures.
We need solutions to the problem of racism, and we need them now.