Spanish Nudist Beach Stormed by Amphibious Nigger Assault Wave

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2018

There is something tragicomic about all this. Hopefully, I figure it out by the time you read down past the excerpt from the article.

The Goldwater:

A strange sighting this weekend as on one of Spain’s nude beaches, a boat carrying some 30 illegal African migrants arrived directly from Morocco, surprising the mostly western European tourists as the group landed on the beach and ran to the forests behind it, all the time being chased by the Spanish ‘Guardia Civil’.

The events took place near the Spanish port city Algeciras but are by no means anything out of the ordinary as of late.

Both the decision by the right-wing Italian Interior Minister Mr Matteo Salvini to close his ports for migrant ships and the socialist Spanish Prime Minister Mr Pedro Sanchez to accept a 600-people carrying migrant ship that both Italy and Malta had refused, means that African illegals now consider Spain as the new Walhalla and that the Iberian peninsula is currently being completely “overwhelmed” by a dramatic rise in the number of migrant crossings.

It went so far that the union for Spain’s Maritime Rescue agency issued an urgent call for additional resources to help it cope with the “massive arrival of immigrants” on the country’s beaches, which are currently packed with European tourists.

The Poles are reporting on the details.

There be niggers in dem woods now. Hide your kids, hide your wife.

Anyways, there’s a kind of juxtaposition here. Or a symbolism, idk.

Nudists doing their hedonistic thing with other weirdos on the beach get overrun by a Third World invasion force while their guard is down.

That’s pretty funny to think about.

One minute you’re trying to get the sand out of your ass and the next minute you’ve got black as coal devil spawn niggers with bloodshot yellow eyes storming the beaches and playing tag with hapless Spanish national guards.

What were the Africans thinking, seeing all those wrinkly geezers walking around with dongs flopping around?

Seriously, how weak must they have thought we were in that moment? I’m surprised they didn’t die of laughter and dehydration right then and there.

Is this in any way similar to the warlike Mycenians invading the pacifist Minoans and finding out that no one on the island had any weapons, that they didn’t even build any walls?

That’s just the first thought that popped in my head.

Europe, as it is now, isn’t tough enough to resist the invasion. I think that there will be a generation capable of resisting that will emerge soon enough though. But Spain’s going to have to wait a while yet. They don’t have a Salvini watching their backs.

Honestly though, I don’t want to come off as pessimistic or whining. I have plenty of solutions to propose.

The easiest thing that you could possibly do is bring back those Spanish KKK priests and get them to patrol the beaches.

If the American experience has shown us anything, it is that blacks are scared witless by this spooky White people magic stuff.

You could invite the American KKK – or what’s left of it – over to give the Spanish priests some pointers on looking spooky. Maybe show them how to do the burning cross trick.

A couple of burning crosses on the beach would be a nice touch.

Hell, you could go all pagan with it as well, the Africans would understand that as well. They do all sorts of weird voodoo shit on the dark continent all the time.

Put up some nithing poles along the beach. Tell the Boomers that its some new-fangled young people hipster thing and let them continue their nude bathing. They’ll get used to it. But the niggers will think twice.

None of these solutions would require blood being spilled.

We could make it an arts and crafts thing. Get the kids involved…although, on second thought, they should probably stay away from those nude beaches full of perverts pretending “it’s natural” or whatever.

And I’m not saying this because I’ve got American prudishness – although I do – but because you and I both know that no matter what arguments you make about nudity being ok and natural, getting invaded by Africans and not lifting a finger to do anything about it is not natural at all, so these people clearly aren’t motivated by getting in touch with nature, but by something else because, again, the natural reaction to seeing a nigger is to put some white robes on and start burning crosses and I haven’t seen that yet from these weirdos so clearly they must be OD’ing on Vitamin D and their opinions on nudity at the beach are worthless.

Besides, the era of nude beaches is coming to an end. The age of turret defense beaches is upon us now.