Speaking Finally, Assange Says He’s Only Free Because He Pled Guilty to Journalism

I hope Julian is doing well.

He’ll never recover from what the Jews did to him, but hopefully he can relax a little bit with his family.

I’m glad he’s finally commenting on his situation. He looks good.

The Guardian:

Julian Assange has said he chose freedom “over unrealisable justice” as he described his plea deal with US authorities and urged European lawmakers to act to protect freedom of expression in a climate with “more impunity, more secrecy [and] more retaliation for telling the truth”.

In his first public statement since the plea deal in June ended his nearly 14 years of prison, embassy confinement and house arrest in the UK, the WikiLeaks founder argued that legal protections for whistleblowers and journalists “only existed on paper” or “were not effective in any remotely reasonable time”.

Well, I can confirm that.

If you start publishing things these people don’t want you to publish, they will simply destroy you. This is a plain fact, which no serious person can deny.

“I eventually chose freedom over unrealisable justice, after being detained for years and facing a 175-year sentence with no effective remedy,” he told lawmakers in Strasbourg at the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace), the human rights body with members ranging from Iceland to Azerbaijan.

I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today after years of incarceration because I pled guilty to journalism,” he continued.

“The rights of journalists and publishers within the European space are seriously threatened,” he told Pace’s committee on legal affairs and human rights, urging the assembly to act. “The criminalisation of news-gathering activities is a threat to investigative journalism everywhere. I was formally convicted by a foreign power for asking for, receiving and publishing truthful information about that power while I was in Europe.”

Assange rose to prominence in 2010 after publishing a series of leaks from the former soldier Chelsea Manning showing that the US army in Iraq killed a dozen unarmed civilians, including two Reuters employees. No one has ever faced justice for the killings.

Well, people get killed in wars. Sort of sick of hearing that soldiers should be prosecuted for it, frankly.

It was George Bush, Tony Blair, and the Jews who should have been prosecuted for the Iraq war, not some soldier who lost his shit after being put in a retarded situation by these Jews.

He further angered the US government when a few months later he published a trove of 250,000 US diplomatic cables, some of which were published in the Guardian, causing a diplomatic crisis.

Assange told the committee on Tuesday that the landscape changed dramatically in February 2017 when Donald Trump appointed “two wolves in Maga hats” – Mike Pompeo as the CIA director and William Barr as the US attorney general.

While Barack Obama had commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Trump White House pursued a much more aggressive approach to WikiLeaks. In 2020 it was reported that senior CIA officials had considered abducting and assassinating Assange when he was in his fifth year in Ecuadorian embassy.

This is the basic reality: if you want to do anything meaningful that the US-Jewish state disagrees with, you have to do it from Russia, China, one of their satellites, or some third world country which lacks an advanced system of law and order. You must live your life outside of the reach of US authorities. Because they will come for you. No matter what. They do not allow dissent, and Assange thinking he was free from the US while in Europe is absurd.

I suppose that back then we were all a little bit more innocent, and didn’t really understand just how brutal the governments of the West are. But we know now. “Freedom” is an illusion that people believe in because they don’t ever test it.

Look at BLM and then the pro-Palestine protests, which involved a lot of the same people. During BLM, they said “wow, we have the freedom to riot in the name of our politics, neat,” then during peaceful protests against Israel, cops came and beat the shit out of them. They realized – or would have if they weren’t retarded – that when you’re talking about how niggers should be legally allowed to commit felonies, you’re masturbating in the corner of your cell, but when you start talking about Israel, you’re rattling the bars of the cage and a guard is going to come by and crush your fingers.

Democracy is a brutal system of totalitarianism run by absolutely amoral criminals.

Do you know what happened in China when people protested the various coronavirus measures? The government quickly convened meetings and ended the coronavirus measures. In a so-called “autocracy,” the will of the people actually means something. In a democracy, they tell you to vote, and nothing ever happens.

This system is a joke and the people who believe in it are a generation of swine who are going to get what they deserve.