Spic Steals White Lawyers Frog Mascot

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2017

Thomas Liotti.

Wasn’t it bad enough these Hispanics were taking our jobs, welfare, schools, and other social services?

Now they have to take our Pepes as well?

New York Post:

Frog owner Thomas Liotti, a lawyer from East Garden City, L.I., said the South African tree frog was worth $900 and had been given to him as a present two decades ago.

For some reason, would-be client Fernando Castro got annoyed at Liotta and on his way out stole the fishbowl with the office mascot in it, according to court papers.

He took it to another lawyer’s office, and left it with a staff member, suggesting it could replace that attorney’s pet fish, which recently died.

Trump should build another wall in the ocean between the US and Cuba just in case this Castro guy is from there.