Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2015

The Donald keeps saying that the Republican Party is scared to death of him, and this appears to be a completely factual statement. All of these scumbags are now coming out and rallying against him (except Ted “Cruzin for Tacos” Cruz who is a self-hating Mexican).
Jeb Bush, giving an interview in Spanish (which is something he does constantly) said that Trump does not “represent the values of the Republican Party,” Bloomberg reports. Using the English language, he later said: “I don’t agree with him. I think he’s wrong. It’s pretty simple.”
What is he wrong about, Jeb? I already pulled some examples from NBC. Are you calling NBC liars?
Ratbag George Pataki went so far as to pen a letter demanding that all Republicans denounce Trump for accurately stating that Mexicans are rapists.
He wrote:
As Donald Trump doubles down, I’m asking you to join me in standing up. Stand up for our party, for the ideals that made America great, and stand for the basic decency and integrity entitled to every American, no matter their heritage or nationality.
“Join me in standing up”? More like “join me in bending over.”
Hipster scumbag Rick Perry then went on Fox News to condemn the Donald, saying he “doesn’t represent the GOP.”
Why is he polling in second place then, faggot? Clearly, an anti-Mexican view is the populist view. These people are a clear and present danger.
The sickening glutton Chris Christie said Trump’s accurate statements were “inappropriate and have no place in this race,” the Washington Post reports.
The twisted sicko Lindsey Graham has stated: :I don’t need a letter from Gov. Pataki. I said from day one, when you label a group of people as rapists and drug dealers, says more about you then it says about them,” according to CNN.
It is all excellent. The people are now seeing the true face of these sneaking snakes. No longer can it be claimed that they are for America while they won’t even acknowledge documented facts about the way the invasion is harming this country – and instead of simply not acknowledging them, they will literally condemn such facts.
The transformation of the Republican Party into Democrat Lite is complete, and it is time that the people knew it. If Trump accomplishes nothing else, he will have accomplished this.
In other Trump news, he got his pageant back.