Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

The SPLC has published another article about yours truly, this time celebrating division in the ranks of the pro-White activist community. Basically, they definitely have a point – but it isn’t my fault!
The article is entitled “Blog Wars: The Daily Stormer and its Racist Frenemies.”
I want to start off by thanking Heidi Beirich for introducing me as she did.
The newest up and comer in the heated competition to rule the hate web is The Daily Stormer, named for prominent Nazi Julius Streicher’s virulently anti-Semitic weekly newspaper The Stormer (Der Stürmer). With over-the-top headlines like “All Intelligent People in History Disliked Jews” and “Adolf Hitler: The Most Lied About Man of All Time,” the site has quickly built a substantial readership since its founding in July 2013.
And its success is generating envy among white supremacists, if the information and opinions about the site’s owner received by Hatewatch are any indication.
Daily Stormer is the brainchild of neo-Nazi hotshot Andrew Anglin, a 30-year-old who grew up in Ohio but has lived in Asia and Europe. Anglin is a self-professed National Socialist who told Hatewatch, “I believe strongly that European people have a right to a continued existence as an independent culture and ethnic group.” In an interview with Vocativ, Anglin explained why he needed to create the site: “The present situation is so unsettling that it’s necessary to have an extreme response.”
In 2012, Anglin launched the website Total Fascism. There, according to Vocativ, he wrote in depth pieces on Hitler’s art, the Greek neo-Nazi political party Golden Dawn and critiques of the radio host and conspiracist Alex Jones, whom Anglin despises for not hating Jews. Anglin decided the length of the articles were cutting back his audience, hence the zippier and more epithet-ridden Daily Stormer.
And it has worked. The Daily Stormer has in the last six months often topped the oldest and largest hate site on the web, Stormfront, in terms of reach and page views, based on Alexa data. Its readers spend more time on the site than they do on Stormfront and, on a slow day, more than 10,000 log on. Daily Stormer also reaches a younger and wealthier demographic.
Honestly, I am thinking about putting this on the site’s “About” page. I really couldn’t have described myself and this site any better than this.
She then talks about my dad, which seems a bit out of place, but apparently this was an attempt to make it so I could no longer use my father’s business address as a place to send donations. As I told her – this is true – I have used that address, where my dad keeps an office – for my personal mail for years, given that I am often travelling and even when I’m in Ohio I don’t have a permanent address.

It is also true that I accidentally bought this site while logged into his godadday account, and so for a while it appeared under his name on whois. I didn’t even realize this was the case (because my mind tends to miss details – it is a part of masculinity) until my dad told me people were calling up and harassing him for being a Nazi webmaster.
Anyway, pops didn’t seem too upset about any of this. His politics are different than mine, but he’s a supportive type father, rather than a judgemental one. Interestingly, when Heidi called him, she told him that the SPLC was responsible for shutting down my PayPal account! But, I guess we already knew that.
Part of the SPLC trolling style is to cause you such stress that you eventually just give up. And obviously if your family is on you, like “dude people are blowing up my cellie about your internet Nazism, why don’t you chill?” you are likely to just get worn out.
I am doing my damnedest not to get worn out.
Teeth clenched. Full speed ahead.
The Full Apology to Kyle Rogers Part of This Article

She then brings up a little thing I wrote about an email Kyle Rogers sent me, wherein he asked me to stop posting his articles.
So, yes, I still think this email was written in a rude manner, especially given that I had done a lot to support Kyle. But I did a stupid and childish thing when I posted it.
I fully regret this, and want to publicly apologize to Kyle Rogers for having done so:
Kyle, I’m sorry. Forgive me, I was out of line.
I was 100% in the wrong here, and I have a responsibility to be better than that. Heidi was right to call me out on it. I cannot stress what a bad move that was. I need to follow my own advice.
I am a Polite Gentleman
Heidi then cites some Stormfront drama against me, which I was not aware was on that forum. It’s a bunch of goofy sex drama wherein a bunch of virgins-4-life are totally outraged (like it’s another Shoah) that while living in Asia in my early twenties – before I was ever a hardcore neo-Nazi fascist White supremacist extremist Hitlerite (I was just an average /b/tard, severely psychologically damaged by an overexposure to conspiracy theories and Anime) – I was photographed hanging out with Asian chicks.
She then suggests that I may be banned from SF, which is I can confirm is untrue. I am extremely proud of the fact that I have very good relationship with Don Black, who I consider a hero.
Oh, and this is a good time to announce that I will be on Stormfront Radio with Don Black on Thursday.
Also, she says that the Daily Stormer has sometimes surpassed Stormfront, but I don’t believe this is true, based on what I see on Alexa (note that it has already been shown that Alexa is manipulating data to make it look like right-wing sites are getting less traffic and leftist sites are getting more, so they aren’t useful any more). Stormfront is an institution, and as far as I am concerned, it will always be the number one White website.
She concludes with this:
Anglin brushed off the attacks on him by his fellow extremists in an email exchange with Hatewatch. “Some people do get involved in White Nationalism for personal rather than ideological reasons, and this creates a situation where egos are involved,” Anglin wrote. “I try to be fair and polite to all people.” Except, of course, to the Jews, Zionists, Judeo-Bolsheviks, Third Worlders, Negroes, Moslem Pigs, Trannies, Hebes, etc., that he maligns daily in his headlines.
My response to that last bit would be that I am not being unfair to any of these people by insulting them on the internet – they are all constantly attacking White men in real life, demanding unlimited everything from us.
All I have ever called for is fairness: I believe normal White people have a right to exist without being invaded and harassed by hordes of non-Whites. I am not asking these non-Whites for a single thing, and am even willing to give them money and land and whatever else in order to create a situation where we are allowed, if we so choose, to be separate from them.
I think this is the definition of fairness, really.

Ah well. I guess the SPLC is attempting to get back their status as FBI consultants, because besides including my poor old man, which comes off a bit silly, the article is less than outrageous. When Heidi emailed me I figured I was in for being accused of building a gas chamber in my spare bedroom, but not so. If anything, the article just serves as an important reminder that we need not to allow the enemy to divide us.
Last Thing
They not only had my PayPal shut down, but also had my shopify thing shut down, so I’ve been relying on snail mail and bitcoin donations. If you are able to contribute that way, please due so. The current hosting bill, as I’ve reported, is completely insane.
Contribution information here.
Thank you all for all the support you give me, monetarily and otherwise. Thank you for just coming to the site. I love you all, you are all my brothers, and I cannot tell you how humbled I am that God has allowed me to contribute to the cause as I have.
Forward, March.
Hail Victory.