Sportsball Orks Accused of Raping Teenage Girl in School Locker Room are Good Boys and Dindu Nuffin’!

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 29, 2017

Dey iz gud boyz who dindu nuffin’, dey cuddnt hav raped dat girl. Dey go to church erry week!


The Halifax County Sheriff’s Office responded on Wednesday after the rape allegations. Officials said the alleged rape occurred when Raquan Marquest Boswell, 18, and Jesse Jyrell Alston, 16, pushed and restrained a female student in a boys’ locker room.

Boswell and Alston were charged with first-degree rape, according to the sheriff’s office.

Kenisha Burgwyn grew up with Alston. She hopes people are cautious not to assume he is guilty.

“He’s a really good kid,” she said. “I didn’t really believe it because it’s not believable. That being someone I grew up around, it’s just not believable.”