Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
October 18, 2014

According to the, anti-Whites in Springfield, Oregon, are organizing a rally this Saturday outside City Hall to protest the recent White genocide flyers that were distributed at several local events.
Ada Ball, a rally organizer hopes people will “come together as a community to affirm that Springfield will not tolerate hate, and is a welcome place to all people.”
The flyers which featured the phrase “diversity is White genocide” have been distributed over the course of several weeks, with the latest flyers from October 10th.
The flyers were spotted at events intended exclusively for non-Whites; “Latinos, Native Americans”, “people of color”, and also high school events.the rally organizers say.
The anti-Whites have called in the police, but Springfield police Sgt. Dick Jones says nothing illegal has been done by the flyer distributors.
To you and me, nothing illegal has been done, but to anti-Whites, daring to speak about White genocide is a crime – a “thought crime”.
The anti-Whites simply cannot handle our points, our evidence, our facts – it embarrasses them – so they demand that we stop talking and hope that we go away.
We’re not the ones trying to censor people – we’re the ones that are trying to have a discussion. All that needs to be said is that we have the moral high ground and anti-Whites are morally bankrupt.