Sri Lanka Easter Bombing Death Toll Reaches at Least 290

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 22, 2019

The Jewish media is still trying to pretend that maybe this wasn’t Moslems.


At least 290 people are now known to have died in a coordinated attack on churches and hotels on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, in what officials have called a “brand-new type of terrorism.”

Police have arrested 24 people in connection with the suicide bombs, the worst violence the South Asian island has seen since its bloody civil war ended 10 years ago.

A ninth improvised explosive device (IED) was defused near the capital’s Bandaranaike International Airport on Sunday evening, according to an Air Force spokesman. The blasts appears to have targeted tourism hotspots, as well as churches, in an effort to gain maximum global attention.

Foreign nationals are among the dead, including five British citizens, two of whom held dual US-UK nationality, three Indians, two Australians, two Chinese cousins, one person from the Netherlands, two Turkish citizens and one Portuguese national.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Sri Lankan Defense Minister Ruwan Wijewardene said the “terrorist incident” was carried out by followers of “religious extremism.”

On Sunday evening, a leaked memo revealed that police were warned of a potential attack by the Nations Thawahid Jaman (NTJ), an Islamist group, ten days before the Easter Sunday attacks. It is unclear whether the details contained in the warning matched the atrocity that eventually took place.

Yes, I’m sure it’s all very unclear.

The Jews have a vested interest in covering up all Moslem terrorism, because they are trying to flood all of our countries with Moslem terrorists.

But in this case, they have a specific interest, because these filthy lying kikes just told us that anyone who suggests the Notre Dame burning was done by Moslems is a “conspiracy theorist.”

The fat, greasy kike Talia Lavin wrote a terribly written article in the WaPo claiming that anyone who even suspects that it is possible that Moslems burned that church is a liar and a conspiracy theorist, because even while the fire was still burning, it was obvious that Moslems didn’t do it.

The fire made the kike Lavin horny and she started soliciting sex on Twitter immediately afterward.

I’m pretty sure that soliciting sex violates the rules of Twitter, but she didn’t even get banned for accusing that poor crippled vet – WHO LOST HIS LEGS FIGHTING A WAR FOR HER COUNTRY – of having a Nazi tattoo, so she’s not likely to get banned for solicitation either.

Fucking disgusting.

Jews are literally like those maggots that burrow into your scalp.

This right here is literally 6,000,000x less disgusting than Talia Lavin:

Anyway, yeah – they will eventually have to admit Moslems did the attacks on Sri Lanka, because it is so obvious and the government already has leads on it and has made arrests.

But they want to keep it downplayed until the initial shock has worn off.