Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2015

Historically, the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars was considered a type of sacred organization, which no one would ever think of protesting. It was a natural position to take. Historically, all civilizations have offered a type of religious reverence for men who have gone to battle and come back alive.
But as we now know, history was evil. And the time has come to stop respecting war veterans and start protesting them for their racist hatred of vibrant diversity.
Minnesota is the number one destination of Somalians coming into America. My own home in Ohio is the number two spot, and I can tell you for a fact that if there is one thing that the people want, it is more Somalians. Only a vicious, fearful hater would want to have fewer Somalians.

These American veterans can rot in hell. As a true American believer in the founding principles of this country – diversity, tolerance and inclusion – I’m standing with these gibbering Black women wearing the bags.
A group of St. Cloud-area residents took to the stairs in front of the Stearns County Courthouse to protest an anti-immigration speaker who visited St. Cloud earlier this week.
Jane Conrad, a field representative for the East Central Area Labor Council, planned the rally after Bob Enos, of Willmar, appeared at an event booked at the Veterans of Foreign Wars speaking out against refugees and Sharia, the Islamic law.
“We know we have issues in our community and we know they exist, but we don’t need people coming in and mixing it up and creating more problems,” Conrad said. “You’re welcome to come in and be a part of our community, but don’t create division.”
Worried that some citizens may be confused that Conrad and her group were speaking out against the VFW, Conrad made it clear they support troops and veterans and were strictly protesting Enos.
Of course not. They were merely protesting outside of a VFW meeting, organized and attended by veterans.
“When people come to St. Cloud with the intent to divide us and spread hate and anger we here in St. Cloud are simply going to ask for peace, love and happiness,” Zach Dorholt said. “St. Cloud is always going to stand for peace, love and understanding over the fear and hate that those who don’t live here are trying to incite.”
Stupid old soldiers – they’re against peace, love and understanding.
Do they think there is something funny about these things?
And as we all know, the best way to support peace, love and understanding is with more Somalians and fewer Whites.
Moments got heated while some disagreed with the group rallying on the steps. Some objectors shouted about the number of American citizens killed by immigrants, the loss of jobs and the forcing of immigrant cultures on society.
Ha! Forcing it on us? Why would you need to force the superior Somalian culture onto the inferior White society?
Whites are begging to have their country become more like Somalia.
It is a well-known and universally accepted fact that Somalia is – quite literally – the most vibrant place on earth, and making Minnesota more like Somalia by importing massive numbers of Somalian into the area can only lead to a completely positive outcome.
One of the main problems with Minnesota is that it was populated mainly by people from Sweden, a country which has been called “a den of pure evil,” “a disgusting pit of filth” and “a complete shithole.”
The plan is that by replacing the ethnically Swedish population with Somalians, Minnesota will become less like Sweden, and more like Somalia.
The only reason anyone would stand opposed to making Minnesota less like Sweden and more like Somalia by bringing in tens of thousands of Somalians?
Pure hatred.
Any ideology which is opposed to having more Somalians and fewer White people is not only racist White supremacy – it is pure neo-Nazism.
These anti-racists were right to confront these evil VFWs, and hopefully someday soon, they’ll all be in prison – or simply taken out in a field and shot in the back of the head – for saying America becoming more like Somalia is a bad thing.