St. Louis Police: “Hammer Attack on White Man had Nothing to do with Race”

Daily Stormer
December 4, 2014

Zemir Begic was hammered to death by Negroes shouting kill Whitey.

Black people kill Whites at random all the time, people.  Why on earth would you suppose that this one specific case had something to do with race?

STL Today:

One teen was charged with murder, two more were held and a fourth was sought Monday as officials spent another day trying to quell speculation that the bludgeoning death of a Bosnian immigrant was racially motivated.

“There is no evidence that this was a crime occasioned by the race or ethnicity of the victim,” Mayor Francis Slay declared in a formal statement. He added, “Speculation that this attack had anything to do with the Ferguson protests is absolutely unfounded.”

Police have been saying the same thing about the killing of Zemir Begic, 32, who was beaten to death with at least two hammers near Gravois Avenue and Itaska Street about 1:15 a.m. Sunday.

Robert Mitchell has not been charged with a hate crime for the hammer attack.

Robert Joseph Mitchell, 17, who lives on Winnebago Street, turned himself in at city police headquarters late Sunday and was charged with first-degree murder and armed criminal action. It was unclear whether two other suspects in custody, juveniles 15 and 16, will be charged as adults. Police said they know the identity of a fourth participant, who is sought.

Mitchell and one of the two juveniles in custody are black, police said; the other is Hispanic.

According to court documents, members of the group yelled at Begic, his fiancée and two others as they walked to Begic’s car. As the vehicle drove away, one teen jumped on the back and began beating on it. Begic stopped and got out, and one of the men taunted him to fight before all four attacked — and continued to beat him after he fell to the ground.

“We think it was wrong place, wrong time,” police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said.

You see – these things just happen at random.  You can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and happen to coincidentally be White, and get you head smashed in with a hammer by Blacks yelling “kill the fucking White man.”

These things just happen, completely at random, and racist Whites need to stop being so racist as to believe that such crimes have something to do with race.