Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2014

St. Louis police are preparing for the apocalypse, as it is quite clear that Wilson won’t be charged.
Last week, the former Police Chief of St. Louis County came out and claimed that he believes the feds are purposefully leaking details of the Michael Brown case to soften the blow when the inevitable announcement that Hero Darren Wilson will not be charged for justly executing the sick criminal.
Tim Fitch said the recent New York Times article which detailed the struggle to grab the gun which took place in the squad car between the gigantic violent barbarian Brown and peaceful Officer Wilson, was published as part of a comprehensive plan to “let people down slowly.”
Though it is unclear if he is in possession of some type of insider information, Fitch said he believes the Feds already accept that it is nearly impossible that a grand jury will recommend charges be brought against the Hero Darren. He predicted that more information showing that the gargantuan Black bastard was not murdered, but righteously executed, will soon be released as part of a process of preparing the emotionally unhinged American African population to accept utter defeat.
“There was a struggle over the weapon. Law enforcement, we know that about half the officers killed every year with firearms are killed with their own,’ Fitch told CBS St. Louis. “So the fact that he didn’t have his own doesn’t mean there wasn’t a weapon there available that could be used in deadly force use.”
Though I am not sure what to make of Fitch’s conspiracy theory, it seems probable. Various legal analysts have voiced a similar belief about the timing of the leak. What is nigh certain is that Wilson won’t be charged. Which translates into: it’s happening.

St. Louis police are stocking up on ammo and preparing for a war, and I imagine the national guard will be heavily deployed.
But whether or not ten or twenty or five-hundred people die in the coming Battle of Ferguson is not really here nor there in the larger scheme of things. What matters is how this will effect the rest of the country. If the Blacks in other major cities see the struggle of their brethren in Ferguson, and decide to hit the streets and join in the fun, we could have a full on race war on our hands very quickly.
I say bring it on. It is high time White America accepted the obvious reality of what Black America actually is, and if it takes a race war to make that happen, so be it. I mourn for the working and poor Whites who will be slaughtered for the sins of the upper-middle class, as these lower classes never had any illusions about Blacks and are not responsible for this present situation. But there is no other option. A race war must happen.
We tried to warn you, but you wouldn’t listen. And now it’s too late.