Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a Form of Psychological Torture and a Crime Against Humanity

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 22, 2017

I read a science fiction story once where an evil time traveler went back and abused the hero when he was a child in the final showdown, tainting his entire life.

That is what I felt was happening when I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

It’s all good and well to talk about the sociological problems with Hollywood shaping who people are by shaping their experiences and their perception of reality. I talk about that and I think it should be talked about.

But that having been said, the reality is that Hollywood did play a role in shaping all of us. Unless you were raised Amish or in some other cult, you have meaningful childhood memories that relate to Hollywood.

And I personally feel that my memories of staying up late to try and watch all three films in the original Star Wars trilogy are not harmful memories. I think Star Wars, based on Joseph Campbell’s
“Hero with a Thousand Faces,” having genuinely deep and interesting characters and themes, was good for children.

Yes, as “White Supremacist Neo-Nazi” adults, we can meme around about how the Empire were actually the good guys. But we can also meme ourselves in our current position as the Rebel Alliance fighting the ZOG empire as a rag-tag bad of believers in what is right. The archetypes of the show make both interpretations equally valid and meaningful.

It is difficult to believe that the Disney Jews behind “The Last Jedi” were not purposefully attempting to destroy the meaning of the original films by ruining the characters and the plot. Yes, of course it was a cynical money-grab, and they stole all of the original trilogy’s themes in an attempt to ensure maximum profits. They also inserted their usual feminist and anti-white propaganda. The Jew JJ Abrams, who is the key figure behind the direction of these films, openly said he wanted to replace white characters.

But even with all of that, there is no reason that the original series had to be so viciously attacked.

And yes, much of the problems with the film were foreshadowed in 2015’s “The Force Awakens.” The basic premise was nonsensical – after Return of the Jedi, the Empire was destroyed and a New Republic formed. Yes, I understand that the beautiful Timothy Zahn novels were deleted from cannon by Disney, but even with those deleted, we still know from the ending of the original trilogy that the Empire was defeated.

It was and shall forever remain episodes 7-9 in my heart.

So why are they back, ruling the galaxy, with the Republic destroyed, 30 years later? And if the Republic was that incompetent, why am I supposed to believe they have a right to rule?

Clearly, the basis for this trilogy should have been Luke as King with a Sith conspiracy brewing in the New Republic. That would have been an interesting premise. But they wanted to remake the original series (plus feminism and white genocide), so without explanation, the Empire has risen again and taken over the galaxy.

Despite that, the first film in this new trilogy managed to be less offensive than one would expect. It was not a good film, but it was genuinely nostalgic and you didn’t feel as though a Jew was holding you down and using evil wizard powers to scar your soul.

No, it is only with “The Last Jedi” that you realize the full extent of what Disney has done to your childhood memories – they have destroyed the sympathetic and heroic main character of Luke, making him a bitter, cynical old man obsessed with witnessing the destruction of his own life’s achievements and everything that he believed in.

Luke’s entire premise throughout the film is that the Jedi deserve to be destroyed. Yoda even comes back to help him burn the sacred founding texts of the Jedi religion.

What is the explanation for the implosion of a character who was intended to be an archetype of a hero, if not to destroy the idea of the archetypal hero – at least the white version of it – in the minds of the people who care about these characters?

The only explanation for why Luke would be written this way is Jewish hatred for things that goyim find meaningful. And yes yes yes, I get that we perhaps shouldn’t have found Star Wars as meaningful as we do, but we did find it that meaningful and the Jews resented that.

And of course, Luke is being replaced with brown people and women.

The white man gives up hope in everything as his throne is taken away from him.

Obviously, the entire film itself was just phoned-in. None of the new characters changed from the beginning of “The Force Awakens” to the end of “The Last Jedi.” The plot is by far the most pointless of any of the Star Wars films, given that nothing even happens.

Rey, the female who has replaced Luke, was already invincible when the first film began. She picked up a light saber and could defeat a Sith Lord. Because she’s a woman and women in modern movies are all able to do anything. It is unclear why she even needed to seek out Luke for training given that she was already godlike. She is a completely unsympathetic character, due to both her perfection and her annoyingness, and not a single person is going to cheer when, in the next film, she wins the day. She has had to struggle with nothing, so a victory is without intrinsic meaning in terms of the most basic principles of storytelling.

The cocky X-Wing pilot Poe Dameron throws a mutiny on the ship and is not punished for it. Which may speak to why the rebels, following Return of the Jedi, lost their New Republic over the course of a couple decades. There is no lesson learned from his mutiny when it turns out that the female he overthrew, thinking she was leading the rebellion astray, was, despite her hard shell, actually a pure-hearted embodiment of goodness planning to sacrifice herself – other than that women are always good and morally superior to men in every situation.

Kylo Ren, the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia who plays the role of Darth Vader, is the only vaguely interesting character in the film. And I mean that in relative terms. He remains conflicted from the beginning of the last film to the end of this one, and his motivations are confusing. I was shocked when he killed the Supreme Leader, to be honest, give that this was the only significantly different plot point from Empire.

Finn, the Negro who has replaced Han Solo, is as dull and uninteresting as any real life Negro. His part in the movie – visiting a casino arms trafficking slave world – served no purpose. This guy had nothing going on in his timeline, so why were we even shown this? It is weird and uncomfortable when he makes out with the obese Chinese girl and I do not think that Asian audience will respond well to Jews giving their women over to Negroes.

The arms dealing itself undermined the core theme of the franchise, which is melodramatic good vs. evil. The arms dealers were selling weapons to both sides, and it was implied that the rebels were just as bad as the Empire for continuing the war – a confusing and bizarre concept to just drop randomly in the middle of this film.

Oh and Leia for some reason does not die, even though the actress that plays her died in real life (due to obesity). Her struggling that her son is evil and has to die would have been an interesting bit of character development, but they decided not to do that for whatever reason.

And I’m just going to skip the point where now apparently any unmanned ship with hyperdrive and one Allahu Akbar feminist aboard can take out an entire Imperial fleet, which effectively makes all ships in the galaxy obsolete. It’s a good thing no one ever thought of using that particular trick before or there never would have been a Star Wars to begin with because the rebels would have destroyed the Death Star using this method before the first film began.

Mark Hamill’s Apology Tour

The original trilogy cast signed on for the films in the summer of 2012. In the fall of 2012, George Lucas sold his company – including the original cast’s contracts – to Jewish Disney.

Mark Hamill, the actor that plays Luke Skywalker, said that there was no element of this script that he didn’t disagree with.

During his promotional tour for the film, he has basically been apologizing for his role in it. It is clear that he really does care about the character and the franchise and got involved specifically because he trusted George Lucas.

It’s… pretty sad.

Here’s a series of clips, followed by a slightly funnier version of a clip series.

This is the guy’s greatest life work. He didn’t do much other than Star Wars.

So he’s taking it even harder than the rest of us.

I would like to see the Disney itself give an official apology for this film. And they may yet. Ticket sales are dropping faster than those of any of the nine previous Star Wars films.

A Reviewer Conspiracy?

The positive reviews of the film do not make sense.

Look at the Rotten Tomatoes gap between audience and reviewer.

What does it mean?

Yes, sometimes reviewers give positive reviews to bad products because they push a social agenda, I suppose – but they sure as hell didn’t do that with the latest Eminem album. And the reviewers are acting as a bloc, with none of the major ones telling the truth about this horrible film.

I think Disney might be paying reviewers. Because again, this film is objectively bad. The diversity and the shitting on the history only make a horrible film into literal psychological torture – it could have been all white males and not tied to any of the franchise’s history and it would still be a horrible film.

It’s Okay Though

The internet is now creating its own culture for the young people coming up.

We won’t need Hollywood anymore. What we are doing is better. The Millennials were the last generation to have memories from before the internet. A generation that does not have memories from before the internet is an entirely different being, with an entire new set of childhood memory tethering points.

The death of these old institutions, as painful as it may be for Generation X and Millennials, is a good thing for the universe and and society as a whole.

So don’t be too down about anti-social personality disorder hermit Luke Skywalker.

We are entering an entirely new age.

“Look at me. I’m the culture now.”