Starbucks Top Jew Gets Kiked by Trolls, Turns All Stores Into Public Bathrooms for Homeless Niggers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer 
May 11, 2018

Starbucks has to be the easiest thing in the world to troll.

Our guys released a fake ad telling homeless people that they could use the bathrooms at Starbucks, as an apology for racism.

And imagine… because he couldn’t be like “oh no, we’re not doing that, sorry” without being called a racist, this Jew just went along with it.

Washington Post:


Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz said Thursday that the company will now open its bathrooms to everyone, regardless of whether a purchase has been made, following the arrest of two African American men who had asked to use the bathroom at one of its downtown Philadelphia coffee shops.

Schultz, speaking at the Atlantic Council in Washington hours before he was slated to receive a business leadership award, said the company is changing its policy, after weeks of controversy, because it wants everyone — customer or not — to feel welcome at Starbucks.

We don’t want to become a public bathroom, but we’re going to make the right decision a hundred percent of the time and give people the key,” Schultz said, “because we don’t want anyone at Starbucks to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because you are less than.”

This is going to turn any of these stores in the intercity into absolute trainstations. 

They are just going to fill up with homeless people.

Everyone in the world knows that any time you have no choice but to take a crap in public, you go to Starbucks because they have the cleanest facilities, where you get your own little room you can close instead of a stall.

But us white folk also know that it is just basic decorum, rule or not, that if you’re going to take a crap, you need to at least buy an espresso.

Now, every single homeless nigger in every single major city in America is now going to be using these facilities, not just for shit-taking, but for doing their little sink-bath thing.

If you’re American, and not from some village, you know about the sink bath. If you’re not American… well, you can imagine it.

Schultz has no idea what he has just unleashed.

And how is he possibly going to walk this back now?

The funniest thing is… it didn’t even have anything to do with kicking out two black guys. Other than that homeless people are usually black. So I guess it is a concession to the race as a whole.

But wow.


This is going to destroy the company.

It would have been so easy for the company to be like “look, man – we just sell coffee.”

But they had already done all of this social signaling, so after the incident with the black loiterers being arrested, blacks went apeshit… and now they’re a public bathroom service for the entire homeless population of America.

The whole place is going to become a worse crackhead hangout than the area under the bridge.

I mean, are they planning to kick them out when they start trying to sleep on the furniture?

How can they do that?

Someone will film it and put it on YouTube.

I’m glad I’m a Dunkin’ Donuts guy.

DD would literally be putting up “no niggers, no Irish, no dogs” signs – if it was still legal.

It’s the whitest place on earth.