Starbucks’ Top Kike is Eyeing Independent Presidential Run to Split the Jew Vote

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2019

I find it impossible to believe this Jew could be running on anything other than a “pure Jew” platform.

So what purpose could he have other than to split the Jewish vote?

CBS News:

Democrats are welcoming a wide variety of potential challengers to President Trump’s 2020 re-election bid — with the exception of one.

In an interview Sunday with CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” Starbucks’ former CEO Howard Schultz announced he is seriously considering a bid as an “centrist” independent. “I’ve been a lifelong Democrat. We look at both parties, we see extremes on both sides,” Schultz told Scott Pelley.

“The American people are exhausted. Their trust has been broken. And they are looking for a better choice,” he said.

But what Schultz may see as a “better choice,” Democrats see as a bad idea. Party members wasted no time in discouraging him from moving forward with a campaign, fearing a liberal independent bid would draw away votes from the eventual party nominee and work to Mr. Trump’s advantage.

“I have a concern that, if he did run, that, essentially, it would provide Donald Trump with his best hope of getting reelected,” 2020 hopeful Julián Castro told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “I would suggest to Mr. Schultz to truly think about the negative impact that that might make.”

Neera Tanden, the president of the Center for American Progress, put it more bluntly: “If he enters the race, I will start a Starbucks boycott because I’m not giving a penny that will end up in the election coffers of a guy who will help Trump win.”

A “pure Jew” platform involves the following positions:

  • Total open borders for all nonwhites
  • Trannies, child trannies, ultimate special privileges program for all men who suck cock
  • Communism for poor people with all the money taken from the middle class while there are also state subsidies for multinational corporations
  • Global free trade
  • WWIII with Russia
  • Infinity billions to Israel
  • War for human rights against everyone other than Israel and Saudi Arabia
  • Endless wars for Israel
  • Sanctions (and maybe wars) against African nations for not doing man-on-man anal
  • Letting black crack dealers out of prison and onto the streets
  • Prosecuting cops for getting attacked by blacks
  • Prosecuting right-wingers for getting attacked by Antifa
  • Your door is kicked in and your guns are taken
  • David Hogg gets his own TV show on MSNBC
  • Legalized pederasty
  • End to free speech through hate crimes laws written by the ADL
  • Arresting left-wingers and Arabs on college campuses for holding up signs against Israel
  • Convicting white college students of rape based on secret testimony by hidden women
  • Laws against disagreeing with CNN and the New York Times
  • Alex Jones goes to prison for saying Sandy Hook was a hoax
  • Amazon is the only retail service on earth
  • Amazon owns all grocery stores and delivers your groceries with drones
  • Anita Sarkeesian is the head of a council that decides what video games you can play
  • Kids are encouraged to be trannies in school as soon as they can talk
  • Women and black people run the entire tech industry, plus every other industry

And so on.

For the most part, if you list all of those positions off in an honest way – as I believe Schultz will do – the only people who are going to vote for you are actual Jews, and maybe a few boomer catladies.

So if Schultz went all the way to the general election, he would only succeed in splitting the Jewish vote.

However, more likely than not, this is just a plan by Schultz to run for a while, and up his public profile, and then get a cabinent position in a new Democrat administration.

And based on the way things currently look right now, what with Trump’s capitulation on the artistically-designed steel slats, we may well have a Democratic administration come January 2021.