Starbucks: “We Don’t Want Stinking Niggers on Our Property, Ever”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2018

Starbucks has rapidly become the official coffee of the Alt-Right, outdoing the better, cheaper Dunkin Doughnuts with their brutal, colonial-tier hatred of black people, who they continually refer to as “useless evolutionary throwbacks.”

This is the “guy” who recorded the above video. Would you want this guy in your bathroom? 

After having called the cops to physically remove “filthy, stinking niggers” from their store, they have begun telling the “monkeyfaced coons” that they don’t want them stinking up their toilets.

USA Today:

Starbucks’ racial problems Monday weren’t confined to Philadelphia.

As the coffee chain reeled Monday from the videotaped arrest two black men at a Philadelphia, a new video emerged Monday showing an African-American man being denied access to a restroom at a Starbucks location in southern California.

The video, posted to Twitter by activist Shaun King, purports to show an African-American man identified as Brandon Ward in the Los Angeles-area store asking why he was denied access to the store’s restroom when a white customer was granted access.

It is unclear when the video was filmed. Neither King nor Ward could be reached for comment and no response had come to USA TODAY’s request for comment from Starbucks. The video had received more than 230,000 views as of early Monday afternoon.

People are protesting against their virulent skin-oriented hatred, but the Starbucks position is that “greasy spooks” are too poor to buy their “elite brew” and mocking apologized because they “don’t accept EBT cards.”

Starbucks CEO “Captain” Howard Schultz, commenting on recent prison riots in South Carolina, said that “there’s nothing he loves more than a pile of dead niggers” and said the only way he would allow black people in his stores is if “they were in those kinds of piles.” 

So, I am asking all of our readers to visit your local Starbucks and thank them for keeping niggers out.

Even if you don’t have the money for an expensive coffee, just drop in and say “I just want to thank you for creating a safe space for the white race.”

If you see a hot piece of ass there, feel free to give it a swift, firm slap – the Captain encourages it.