Stephen Colbert Goes Full “Gas the Kikes” In STUNNING New 180!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2018

There is no other way to interpret this segment.

Colbert finally took the kike-pharmaceutical pill.

Some people learn about the kikes through racial studies, others through historical revisionism. Shit, some go from hating on capitalism or socialism and learning about the kikes’ machinations that way. Others go the religious route – killers of Christ and so on.

Colbert found his own path to Neon-Nazism, however. He learned about the Sackler Family. And it was all fash from there on out. Now he’s dropping truth bombs about these dirty kikes, getting the #resistance all worked up about the kikes’ role in poisoning the goyim.

Not bad, not bad.

Next week, Colbert is going to freestyle rap about ancient pyramids built by Atlantean Aryans.

Can CBS handle these levels of woke?

We’ll find out soon, won’t we?

Moonves is gone a week, and the whole shit goes nuts.