Stephen Hawking Finally Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2018

I don’t know about you all, but I sure am glad this disgusting little wet noodle is dead.


Scientists, politicians and actors have paid tribute to world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who has been called an “inspiration to millions”.

The British scientist, famed for his work on black holes, died peacefully at his home in Cambridge aged 76.

Astronomer Royal Lord Rees, one of the world’s most eminent scientists, described his life as a “triumph”.

Others described him as a “unique individual” whose death “has left an intellectual vacuum in his wake”.

Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease at the age of 22 and was told he had only a few years to live.

I always hated this worm-man. I remember even seeing him as a kid and thinking “wow, this is friggin disgusting, why are they showing it on TV???”

There are actually of course political reasons to hate this guy. He was passed off as a genius by the establishment, and then went on to convince people of a bunch of nonsensical gibberish, such as the idea that white people’s main focus needs to be sending niggers into space to help mitigate their insane population growth rate.

I’m all for conquering space – it is one of my main things I promote – but come on, we don’t need to do that because we have to have some place to put all of these niggers. That’s unhinged.

If we were the only ones on earth, white people could easily reach a population of between 5-10 billion, and then just have two kids per family, on average. Talking about high technology to solve a problem that is exclusive to primitives is absurd.

But yeah, mostly I just hated him because he was disgusting. When I heard that thing about him going to sex clubs and his helpers getting him out of his chair so a hooker could sit on his face I was like wow. That is the most sickening thing I have ever heard in my entire live.

We need to euthanize cripples, so that this doesn’t happen again.