Stephen Miller Says Trump will Veto Any Attempt to Cockblock National Wall Emergency

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 18, 2019

I hadn’t seen /ourjew/ Stephen Miller on any of the shows or even mentioned in headlines in a real long time.

Apparently now he’s back now.

Which is a very good sign.

He is the only person left in the White House trying to do MAGA.


If Congress votes to disapprove Trump’s declaration of a national emergency, the president is prepared to veto it, White House senior adviser Stephen Miller said on Sunday.

The president is declaring a national emergency to secure up to $8 billion in funding for a barrier on the southern border — more than four times what Congress approved. House Democrats have called Trump’s declaration unlawful, and are considering a joint resolution disapproving of the declaration. Miller’s comments during a Fox News interview made it clear the president is unlikely to back down.

“If they pass a resolution of disapproval, will the president veto that, which would be the first veto of his presidency?” Fox News host Chris Wallace asked.

“Well obviously the president is going to protect his national emergency declaration,” Miller responded.

“So yes, he will veto?” Wallace pressed.

“He’s going to protect his national emergency declaration, guaranteed,” Miller said.

A resolution of disapproval would let Congress overturn Trump’s declaration and would likely pass in the Democratically controlled House of Representatives. But it would face uncertainty in the Senate, where multiple Republican lawmakers would have to join with Democrats in the minority. Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth told ABC’s This Week that she believes the Senate has enough votes for such a resolution.

“I think we do,” she said. “Now, whether we have enough for an override and veto, that’s a different story. But frankly, I think there’s enough people in the Senate who are concerned that what he’s doing is robbing from the military and the DOD to go build this wall.”

If you’re thinking “isn’t Duckworth the butler from DuckTales?”

Then you would be correct.

It is exactly that certain individual.

Poor bastard lost both his legs in a car accident when Uncle Scrooge was backseat driving him to the brink while they were chasing down a wagon full of pirate’s gold.

So then he… you know… joined the Congress.

No way that Duckworth or anyone else is going to force this through Congress. I’m glad Stephen Miller went on TV, but I don’t think anyone thought that Trump wouldn’t veto a bill if someone brought such a bill.

The question is whether it gets caught up in the courts or not.

Chris Wallace also tried to do the bit of “90% of drugs are found at ports of entry.” Stephen Miller called him out on that – no one is catching anyone in the illegal crossing areas! That’s why they’re illegal crossings!