Stephen Paddock had Child Porn on His Computer When He Did Vegas Massacre

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 20, 2018

So, um.

Here’s another Vegas thing.

Daily Caller:

Stephen Paddock had hundreds of images of child pornography in his possession when he carried out the Las Vegas mass shooting on Oct. 1, according to a report released by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Friday.

The child porn was found on a Dell laptop computer in the Mandalay Bay hotel room from where Paddock slaughtered 58 people attending a Jason Aldean concert below. The report says that “several hundred images of child pornography were located on the computer’s hard drive. The investigation into the source of these images is ongoing.”

Hard drive, you say?

But I heard

Where did you find it, then?

Paddock’s younger brother, Bruce Paddock, was arrested in late October after police found child pornography on his computer at home.

Lombardo said Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, is not expected to be charged in connection with the shooting. Lombardo did note that the FBI is looking into one other “individual of federal interest” but offered no further details.

Okay, so I mean… I hadn’t read a report of the hard drive being found and I just Googled and I can’t find a story about it being found.

They didn’t at the time report that there were multiple laptops in the room. They implied that there was only one, though that was not directly stated.

If they found a lost hard drive, it seems that would be the biggest part of this story – in particular, where it was and what other than CP was on it.

Also, if it was a separate hard drive, why did it take this long to say it? This fits their “narrative,” which while not directly stated, is implied as being “there was no reason for this, he was just deranged.”

Of course, when I hear anything about CP I just assume it’s made up. That is such a vile accusation, and it is so easy to fake. It’s also something that I think very few people are actually into. And in this case, of course a guy who killed all these people could also be into child porn, but there are other reasons they would make this claim. For instance, distracting from other things – this plays into the impression that he was just a sadistic maniac, with no motive.

And I know there is a motive, because the FBI is covering a bunch of shit up, right out in the open.

Furthermore, if they say there is CP on the drive, this is an excuse to limit the number of officials who are allowed to look at it, if they are covering up something that is on it and they want the fewest number of people possible to know about it.