Stephen Paddock Previously Lived in a Unit at the Building in Reno That a Shooter Fired Out Of

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2017

Here’s a thing for you.

Just a thing for you to BLOW YOUR MIND with.

LA Times:

A gunman with a hostage opened fire from the eighth floor of a luxury high-rise condominium in Reno onto the streets below, authorities said. No injuries were reported.

The man died Tuesday night after a SWAT team descended on him while he was barricaded at the Montage condo complex, Reno Police Deputy Chief Tom Robinson told reporters. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he was killed by police gunfire or his own. No one else, including the hostage, was hurt.

The gunman’s name has not been released. Robinson described him only as a young adult.

The luxury high-rise is surrounded by some of downtown Reno’s most popular casinos, and the gunfire brought eerie echoes of the Las Vegas shooting two months earlier that killed 58 people and injured hundreds more.



Fox News:

The Las Vegas gunman who killed 58 people in October previously owned a unit at the Reno high-rise condominium that was the site of a shooting Tuesday, the Associated Press reported.

Police said there were no reports of injuries in the Reno shooting, in which a gunman allegedly fired shots from the eighth floor of the Montage condominium. Authorities said gunshots were going off for at least 20 minutes.

Stephen Paddock, the gunman in the Oct. 1 rampage in Las Vegas, owned a unit at the Montage but records show he sold the property in December 2016.

Tuesday’s gunman, who is now dead, was not immediately identified by Reno police.

Deputy Chief Tom Robinson told reporters Tuesday night that the man had died after a SWAT team went to the eighth floor of the Montage and engaged him. It wasn’t immediately clear whether he was killed by police gunfire or his own hand.

A woman in the room with the suspect was able to get out unharmed, police said, and no injuries were reported by either law enforcement officers or bystanders, Fox Reno reported.

I’m not saying something super-weird is going on here. Like something MK Ultra-tier, as I’ve previously suggested.

But come on, guy.

Another guy in Nevada shoots out of a high-rise – something which I had never heard of happening before Stephen Paddock – and it just so happens that Paddock used to live in that building?

This is a really, super-weird coincidence.

Or maybe it isn’t that weird of a coincidence?

Maybe Paddock owned a lot of real estate, and this is just a normal coincidence?

I don’t even know how to place this.

I mean you all know that I am the last guy to believe in kookspiracies. I get hell for being the number one anti-Sandy Hooker.

But seriously.

What is going on here?

What are the chances of this happening?

This now goes beyond just some kind of cover-up because Paddock was some kind of asset that went rogue into some kind of I don’t even know what.


What does it mean? 

Only non-weird situation: he knew Paddock – or was thinking a lot about him because he lived in the same building, maybe they didn’t actually know each other – and so he got the idea to do the same thing, copycat style. I mean that is obviously weird. But it is the least weird option.

All other options go into Twilight Zone territory.