Okay, Ominous: Steve Bannon Appears to Imply Trump Wants to Do a Regime Change in China

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2019

Former White House advisor and Irish drunk Steve Bannon appeared on Lou Dobbs on Monday to talk about Donald Trump’s recent aggressive moves against China, and at one point he appeared to use the familiar language of regime change.

“Remember, this is not against the Chinese people. President Trump is actually assisting the Chinese people. This is against this radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party,” Bannon said.

It is a small thing. But I’ve been around the block. And whenever I hear someone making a distinction between a country’s government and their people, and then saying that they’re not against the people but want to help the people against their bad government, I hear “regime change.”

There is no other explanation as to how you can help a people and harm their government. Obviously, hurting the Chinese economy hurts Chinese people. Chairman Xi has been doing a lot to create a stable middle class in China, and they’re going to be hurt by trade changes.

Why would Bannon even bring that up? It doesn’t have anything to do with anything. No one is accusing anyone who is pushing for more fair trade with China of hating Chinese people. Even though Trump has been called a racist in virtually every context imaginable, I can’t remember a single time he was called a racist for wanting to change trade policy with China.

So why make that weird, ominous statement at all? 

Steve Bannon has a lot of problems, but he was never a war guy. However, this is a war talking point, and I don’t know where he’s getting his talking points presently. He just bought a massive monastery in Europe with somebody’s money, where he’s planning to open an academy to train Jewish shill politicians.

I am a big supporter of China as a nation, but I was very much in favor of Trump’s campaign promise to regulate trade in order to bring some of the manufacturing that was outsourced to China back to the United States. At this point, however, it is hard to imagine that anything Trump does is not some kind of Jewish trick.

After Trump recently began upping the ante in the trade war with China, he received support from the entire Jewish media, including the New York Times.

He’s also received support from Chuck Schumer.

On Monday, the New York Times also published a hoax article claiming using false information that China is hacking a bunch of American companies.

So, for whatever reason, Trump is getting serious Jewish support for these trade policy threats.

With the Trump Administration pushing for war in South America and Iran, and also continually escalating tensions with Russia – while receiving support from Jews and the media on all fronts – this China thing popping up in the current context makes me quite nervous.

Furthermore, one has to ask if the US gaining an advantage over China is even a good thing. Trump has already made it clear that he wants a policy of only immigrants being allowed to work in any new factories he builds in America. So who actually even cares about bringing these factories back?