Steve King Introduces Legislation to IMPRISON Sanctuary City Kikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

Steve King should really just be made KING of America.

King King is good.

Although… King Steve may be more traditionally appropriate.

If we’re bringing back the monarchy, that shit’s gotta be trad.

It’s also kinda clever because it’s just switching his first and last names. You know, like when they read you out on the first day of school.


Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has introduced legislation named after Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf — who infamously helped criminal illegal aliens evade deportation — that would imprison sanctuary city politicians.

As Breitbart News has reported, back in February Schaaf tipped off illegal aliens and businesses who employ illegal aliens of a pending raid by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Schaaf’s warning of the ICE raid allowed illegal aliens convicted of sex crimes to evade deportation, as Breitbart News reported. As Breitbart exclusively reported, Schaaf is facing a lawsuit by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI).

Now, Schaaf is the unofficial poster-child for Rep. King’s newest immigration enforcement legislation that seeks to prosecute public officials who help illegal aliens evade deportation.

The legislation, known as the “Mayor Libby Schaaf Act,” would pass down a maximum 5-year prison sentence to public officials who tip off illegal aliens about pending ICE raids.

Naming the legislation after her is pure gold.

King Steve

“Sanctuary politicians are placing the lives of citizens and law enforcement officers in jeopardy by giving illegal aliens warnings about impending ICE actions in local jurisdictions,” King said in a statement. “This is obstruction of justice, and Americans do not have to put up with it.”

“I want lawless, Sanctuary City politicians to hear this message clearly: if you obstruct ICE, you are going to end up in the cooler,” King said.

Wow, a cooler.

That sounds like he’s talking about just straight-up executing these kikes.

Yes, Libby Schaaf is obviously a kike.

All that plastic surgery and she still looks like she just crawled up out of the sewer to nibble on the rotting corpse of another yid that was run over by a bus.

When I think of putting someone in a cooler, definitely think it is implying murder. Never heard prison described as “a cooler.”

I also think of that scene from Predator 2.

They should put that kike bitch in a meat freezer with Danny Glover.

She’d probably rip all his skin off and hang him from the ceiling with a rope, but whatever, I don’t give a shit about that nigger.

Man, Predator 2.

What a waste.

It was such a good idea to send one to LA, but they just really blew it.

You know, originally Arnold was supposed to be in it.

Instead, in 1990 he made… Kindergarten Cop.

I like the “I’m going to ask you a bunch of questions…” meme.

But I’d have preferred a real version of Predator 2 without Danny Glover.

Shane Black made a new Predator film coming out later this year.

I don’t have hope that new movies won’t be shit anymore. Especially when it comes to beloved childhood memories… it’s just too painful.

But who knows.

Shane Black is okay.

And Alien: Covenant wasn’t really that bad, guys.

Screw you continuity autists. It was fun, interesting and lovely.