Steve King on Tucker Carlson: Did He Cuck Out? You Decide!

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2017

Steve King went on Tucker Carlson last night to explain his “other people’s children” tweet, which the Jews have been screeching about for 48 hours straight. Some are interpreting it as cucking, while others are seeing more nuance.

I’ve always been told that I’m observant and intuitive. I’m going to come right and say that Steve King knows Western civilization is a racial construct (he’s said it in the past), and I’ll even go as far as to say that he has a feeling Jews are responsible for our civilization’s decline.

I don’t think he’s too familiar with National Socialism, but has likely read traditional American conservative views on race articulated by figures like Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant in the early 20th century.

What really stood out to me in this interview is that when he was talking about the low birth rate of Western countries, he went out of his way to make an exception for Israel. He is correct that Israel has the highest birth rate in the “West.” It also has one of the highest in the Middle East, with atheist Jewesses having more than three children each and religious ones having far more.

Israel is not a Western country and Jews are not Western people, but I think this may have been a subtle Red Pill for Tucker’s smarter and more curious viewers. If you want to read about this in detail, here is a heavily researched article I wrote years ago on the topic.

However, King backpedaled in the end with his “oh, I wish I could’ve added that we want to adopt babies too.” He doesn’t believe that.

Jews have left him relatively alone so far because he plays ball on Israel, but this time they may be out for blood. Getting their toy poodle Paul Ryan to attack King was a sign of more to come.

Thankfully, he hasn’t apologized. He hasn’t given way to the Jewish manufactured outrage. But if he thinks committing the grave anti-Semitic offense of saying whites should have babies is going to blow over for him, the vengeful Semitic aliens have something else in store for him.