Still No Motive for the Austin Bomber – Even with a Confession Video

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2018

So no motive yet. Which probably means we dodged a bullet on this one.

The entire media and the cops are absolutely looking for anything they can to tie him to the right-wing/Alt-Right, and the fact that we are now 24 hours later and they have nothing is a very good sign.

And it is not really believable that if he had any political motive at all he wouldn’t have said it in a confession. The fact that the confession hasn’t been released, or even described, indicates that it has something on it that is bad for the mainstream narrative.

LA Times:

Hours after a serial bomber blew himself up as authorities closed in, investigators discovered that the homegrown Texan who had killed two people and terrorized Austin for 19 days had left behind a list of future targets and a 25-minute “confession” on his phone, officials said Wednesday.

After hundreds of investigators swarmed Austin in recent days to stop the bomber, it was a combination of high-tech surveillance and old-fashioned shoe-leather investigating that led officials to Mark Anthony Conditt, 23, who had no criminal record.

However, Conditt’s motive remains unknown, and officials suspect that “we are never going to be able to put a rationale behind these acts,” said Austin Police Chief Brian Manley.

In Conditt’s confession video, “he does not at all mention anything about terrorism, nor does he mention anything about hate,” Manley said. “Instead it is the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about challenges in his personal life that led him to this point.”


The series of bombs used similar components that made it easy for officials to link the devices: unusual batteries, apparently purchased online from Asia, and nails used as shrapnel, according to U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, the Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Trying to find the buyer of the nails, officials “went to every hardware store” in the area to find customers who had made large purchases, and they struck gold with a Home Depot store in the Austin suburb of Round Rock, McCaul said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

“The fatal mistake that led law enforcement to him — because he was pretty good at evading surveillance cameras — was when he walked into Home Depot,” McCaul said. Investigators obtained surveillance video of Conditt walking into the store in a wig and walking back out to a vehicle with a license plate connected to his name.

Wigs and evading cameras is hardcore. And high-IQ behavior.

This is actually very similar to the type of thing the Unabomber himself did.

He had a genius level IQ. But he also had a coherent political motivation (which is worth reading, by the way – really pretty great stuff).

From there, McCaul said, investigators obtained a cellphone number linked to Conditt, which had been turned off for “a while” — until Wednesday morning.

When Conditt turned on the phone, McCaul said, investigators were able to pinpoint him at a hotel in Round Rock, which led to a police chase.

Officials described a harrowing scene at the end of the chase. After Austin police forced Conditt off the road to prevent him from getting on a freeway, officers surrounded the vehicle and banged on the windows, at which point Conditt set off a blast that sent officers flying backward. One officer suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

It’s a shame there’s no video of that. It sounds nuts.

“Your officers, officers you have known for years, charge into what we knew was a dangerous situation,” Manley said.

An officer also fired a gunshot at the vehicle, said authorities, who didn’t clarify whether that was before or after the explosion or whether Conditt was killed as a result of “significant injuries” from the blast or by a gunshot.

Officials, who discovered a bomb-making room in Conditt’s home in the Austin suburb of Pflugerville, still haven’t offered any theories for why Conditt embarked on a bombing campaign that left two dead, four injured and an entire city unnerved.

But they discovered at least one chilling piece of evidence after the hunt was over: a “target list” with “additional addresses we believe he was using for future targets,” McCaul said. Officials said they still don’t know how or why Conditt chose his targets.

How can there not be a pattern in the targets? How can it not immediately jump out?

ABC reported that in the final two packages of explosives that had been sent out by FedEx, the bomber had used the sender name “Kelly Killmore.”

A portrait emerged Wednesday of an introverted Christian conservative who had been home-schooled and worked at a manufacturing company before being fired last year, with much still unknown about his life over the last year.

In a statement released to CNN, Conditt’s parents said they were in shock and grieved for the bombing victims.

Our family is a normal family in every way. We love, we pray, and we try to inspire and serve others. Right now our prayers are for those families that have lost loved ones, for those impacted in any way, and for the soul of our Mark. We are grieving and we are in shock.

Conditt took classes at Austin Community College from 2010 to 2012 and was home-schooled, according to college officials and social media posts from his mother, who said he graduated high school in 2013.

“He’s thinking of taking some time to figure out what he wants to do … maybe a mission trip,” said a Facebook post by Danene Conditt announcing his graduation, which included a photo of him.

In an old blog under Mark Conditt’s name, started apparently as part of a community college class assignment, the author wrote in 2012 that he was conservative but “not that politically inclined.” He wrote posts opposing abortion, favoring the death penalty and arguing that gay marriage should be illegal.

“I view myself as a conservative, but I don’t think I have enough information to defend my stance as well as it should be defended,” read the blog’s biography page.

“Certainly a lot of the home-school community in Pflugerville, Texas, is conservative, and a lot of kids were raised that way,” Jensen said. “I think a lot of people jump to conclusions and want to make him out to be a conservative terrorist. But I think it has more to do with loneliness and anger than it has to do with anything else.

Conditt was smart, “strait-laced” and “definitely came off as a little intense, and it was hard for him to get along with people and make friends,” said Jensen, now a freelance journalist living in Dallas. “A lot of people didn’t really understand him or how to speak his language.”

Community college officials said that Conditt was a business administration major and did not graduate, but that he left in good academic standing.

Jeff Reeb, a neighbor of the Conditts since they moved to the area 17 years ago, described Conditt as “a quiet youngster” who played with his grandson.

“They’re church-going people, extremely good neighbors. I like them a lot,” Reeb said, adding that he was surprised to see reporters arrive on his street, the first clue the bombing suspect could be someone he knew.

Reeb said he saw the Conditts daily and last saw Mark visit his parents last week — which would have been after the bombings began.

“I really wish that I could have spoken to him one more time before he went down this path,” Jensen said of Conditt. “I wish I had known that he was struggling or that, you know, or had some sort of an inkling to reach out to him. … It’s in the dark that people start getting angry and sad and eventually go off the deep end.”

Okay, so this is looking like it’s going to be another thing like the Vegas Massacre, where no motive is actually ever found.

Remember that there was also a shooting in Texas last year at a church where they never found any motive. That was 26 dead, and it got memory-holed even worse than Vegas.

This is a thing now, this “motiveless massacre.”

You could come up with all sorts of different theories about this, and some would be closer to reality than others.

Is the idea of a secret government program to disrupt society by using individuals who have been groomed/brainwashed to commit these acts completely crazy? I think it is, but it can’t possibly be crazier than the acts themselves.

It’s all very bizarre.

Home schooling is Not Good for Kids

Homeschooling is a meme in the right-wing which I have always been opposed to, and assuming that this Conditt fellow isn’t a part of an MKULTRA mind-fuck program, than the psychology of home schooling appears to be at the center of this story.

The fact of reality is that children are biologically designed to spend the majority of their waking hours with other children, in a pack-type social structure. When you deprive them of that, you deprive them of their natural human development.

I have never met a homeschooled individual who was well-adjusted. Certainly, there are a lot of people in our society that are maladjusted, but from what I have seen, home schooling guarantees a very specific type of maladjustment which people do not usually recover from.

Part of that is presumably the type of people who do homeschooling for their kids, which tend to be ultra-religious. And as much as I like religion, and wish the situation with religion in this country was different, the fact is that being ultra-religious in our society is virtually always anti-social in nature. Some of that comes through in the interviews with Conditt’s parents.

I am not sure if I have ever done a proper analysis of why and how the ultra-religious in this society are anti-social. I probably have. I can’t keep track of everything I write (a lot of the best stuff is embedded in news pieces, like what you’re reading right now, because I’ve found that attaching larger ideas to news bits is a good way to communicate them to the largest number of people in a way that makes sense). But it’s a big issue that needs to be looked at in detail to make sense, but if you know any ultra-religious people – and you would probably only know them as neighbors or at work, as they do not tend to be friends with people who are not also ultra-religious – then you know what I’m talking about.

That said, I know a lot of normal people who have talked about or tried homeschooling their kids, so this is not exclusive to the ultra-religious, and those that are homeschooled in more normal environments also appear to develop social problems.

I don’t have kids so I have never had to deal with this. If I did, I would want to raise them in Eastern Europe, where they could go to public school. But that isn’t a real life option for most people, so the best I can offer is Catholic school. Yes, these schools do now have some of the same problems as public school, but not to anywhere near the degree.

Second to that is just getting them in a public school that is in a white, non-poor area. At least in theory, you can raise a kid in such a way as they are not affected by the brainwashing, and in such a way as they avoid drugs and the girls avoid sex. But I don’t even see a theoretical way that you can successfully homeschool a kid.