January 10, 2015
As hard as the left tries to deny the fact that radical Islam is at war with the West, it is now apparent to more people than ever that we are in fact at war with a savage enemy that has rooted itself deep within almost every Western nation.
The left has also attempted to downplay the threat that Islam poses to our societies, while trumpeting fears of the extreme “far right” Patriots who have been warning citizens about the Islamic threat for years.
Domestic Treason
Meanwhile, here in the United States, the extreme far left has bent over backwards to appease the rapidly growing Muslim population. As Carol Brown notes in American Thinker, mosque construction in America is proliferating at breakneck speed. In fact, there are now over 2,000 mosques on American soil.
Brown also notes the fact that Eric Holder and the Department of Justice are overruling local city councils who reject the building of mosques in their communities. Further, she notes that Holder, Muslim Brotherhood front groups, and the ACLU are forcing mosques on communities that reject them through the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.
Throw in the fact that President Obama outlawed the FBI from conducting surveillance operations in mosques in 2011, and one can clearly observe a pattern of complicity between the Obama administration and the Muslim communities who seek to spread their intolerant religion on American soil.
Symbolic Conquest
Make no mistake about it people, these mosques are a symbol of conquest. When the ‘Ground Zero mosque’ was planned, the proposed name for the building was the ‘Cordoba House’. Cordoba was the name of the Caliphate that conquered a large portion of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, covering areas of modern Spain and Portugal. The Spanish didn’t rid its nation of their Muslim conquerors until 1492, but now the radical left in Europe has welcomed the enemy back with open arms.
In France, the Muslim community built the “Grand Mosque of Poitiers” in the town where a decisive battle was fought between the French and the invading Berber and Arab armies that sought the addition of France to their Umayyad Caliphate in 732. In response, French patriots of the Generation Identitaire stormed the mosque and demanded that no more mosques be built in France and also demanded a referendum on immigration.

The Socialist government of France subsequently cracked down on that Patriotic group, who are committed to the Reconquista of France from the hostile invaders that threaten the future of the French Republic. As you can see, the Socialists in France are no different than the Socialists in the United States regarding their alliance with the Muslim community and opposition to the Patriots who seek to stem the tide of Muslim immigration and rampant mosque construction.
Muslim Immigration to the United States
Following the 9/11 terror attacks and the subsequent terror attacks in London and Madrid, one would assume that our government would recognize the national security threat and reduce immigration from Muslim nations and forcibly expel those suspected of ties with radical Islam.
Amazingly, Investors Business Daily is reporting that “the Obama administration is waving foreign Muslim nationals into the U.S. in record numbers.” They cite a report from the Center for Immigration Studies that reveals that our government has imported more people from Muslim countries than Central America combined. There are now 2.5 million Muslim immigrants residing in the United States, representing a significant national security risk, considering the global jihad that is currently in progress.
So as Rand Paul urges the French to rethink their Muslim immigration policy, I believe that it is time that the United States rethinks its Muslim immigration policy. The policy should go something like this: no more Muslim immigration, forcible deportation of Muslim citizens linked to extremism, and a ban on mosque building permits nationwide.
Muslim radicals have beheaded American and British journalists, as well as U.S. war veteran Peter Kassig. Colleen Hufford was beheaded in Oklahoma City by a Muslim radical. They have declared war against the entire Western world, with the United States, Britain, and France being the primary targets.
It is time to recognize that we are at war and to make difficult decisions that will protect the lives of American citizens. Frankly, it is time for ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform’ that does not entail continued mass immigration and amnesty for illegal invaders. Immigration reform should secure our borders, limit immigration to those from fellow Western nations, and immediately cease all immigration from Muslim nations.
This will probably not happen, since the Muslim Brotherhood of America, CAIR, the ACLU, the Attorney General, and the President of the United States seem determined to spread Islam far and wide in the land of the free.
Nevertheless, Islamic jihadists that seek to bring terror to America’s shores must realize this: although our government is aligned against our people, we are the largest civilian army that the world has ever seen and we will not tolerate any attacks against our people. And although liberals and leftists in our country have unlimited tolerance for your barbarity, Patriotic Americans and 21.4 million American veterans have ZERO TOLERANCE for your radical agenda. We serve Old Glory, not the corrupt bureaucrats in Washington, so I would advise treading lightly while in OUR COUNTRY.