“Stop Fucking Filming and Help Me!”

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2018

No, above pic isn’t the sekuritay guard in question. But really, can you tell the difference?

Why do they keep giving these sheboons uniforms? [Editor’s Note: Diversity quotas, and sheboons tend to actually be more competent than heboons. -AA]

It’s absurd. 

But then, a lot of things in Clown World America are.

I’m torn on whether the fat sheboon was just too lazy to help OR whether she sided with the nigger getting arrested.

The fact that she had her phone out and was filming seems to indicate that she was trying to catch some poleeze brutality on film, put it on Twitter and get the media to SMITE the fuckin’ white male police officer.


Pretty shameful for the police officer to be begging for help.

He should have just shot the nigger. You just know they wouldn’t be so patient and understanding if it was a white guy reaching for their gun.

Guess all the media SMITING is making cops less trigger-happy. Around blacks at least.