Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 19, 2016

We’ve got a big story for you goyim – big, big, big, I tells ya!
Three real American heroes have been waylaid at a brothel in Iraq!
It’s all coming down!
A group of Americans who disappeared in Baghdad over the weekend were kidnapped from their interpreter’s apartment, according to multiple Iraqi sources.
One of the Americans is a woman, The Wall Street Journal reports.A police official identified the woman as Iraqi-American Russel Furat. An Iraqi military official told the newspaper the two men kidnapped are Iraqi-American Wael al-Mahdawy and Egyptian-American Amro Mohammed.
Was the interpreter interpreting English for them?
Or Farsi?
Why did the interpreter live at a brothel?
Did he just party that hard, that he actually had to move into the brothel? Or was he a pimp? Or was it a female interpreter working as a hooker?
A police major general described the apartment as a brothel, The Washington Post reports, adding that it was subject to frequent raids by Shiite militias. However, many people in the region refer to any building that accepts foreigners as a “brothel,” and the Iraqi military reportedly denied that was the apartment’s use.
So it’s a metaphorical brothel?
Why would the police use that term when speaking to the press?

“We are in very direct contact with the Iraqi authorities… there is a very full effort going to find them as soon as possible,” Secretary of State John Kerry told Fox News Monday.
An Iraqi intelligence official told the Associated Press that the Americans were invited into the apartment in the neighborhood of Dora. After they were abducted, they were taken to Sadr City, at which point the official said, “all communications and contact stopped.”
A spokesman for Baghdad’s Joint Operations Command told The Washington Post that the three citizens were Iraqis who had acquired U.S. citizenship. A Baghdad police official said they worked as contractors at Baghdad International Airport, but did not say which country employed them.
Funny how US immigration policy turned this story from a meaningless “three Iraqis kidnapped in Iraq” to a top news story of “three Americans kidnapped in Iraq.”
Why would the US government give American citizenship to Iraqis?
Did we get to vote on that? Because I don’t remember voting on that.