Christian Post
November 23, 2013

Reports of the Russian government abusing its gay citizens are based upon false propaganda by gay rights groups in the United States, Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, claimed at a Nov. 15 symposium hosted by The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society.
“Please understand what’s really going on in Russia and cast aside all of the propaganda that you hear in the United States and elsewhere. It’s just not true,” Ruse urged.
He was the main speaker at the symposium, “Family Policy Lessons From Other Lands: What Should America Learn?” and was joined by Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, senior fellow of Concerned Women for America’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, and Dr. Allan Carlson, president of The Howard Center.
Gays in Russia, he said, do not support the calls from American gay rights groups for a boycott of next year’s Winter Olympics in Russia. He recalled being part of a panel on Russian television with gay rights advocates who called on their American counterparts “to cut it out with regard to the Olympics” and “let the Olympics go forward,” because “you guys have a big misunderstanding about the way we live our lives.”
Homosexuality and homosexual acts are not illegal in Russia, Ruse explained, like they were during the previous Soviet regime. Gays in Russia live without fear of reprisal from their government. An Internet search of “gay Moscow” reveals a few dozen bars and nightclubs that cater to an openly gay clientele. And, popular Russian television shows feature openly gay characters.
Russians do, though, resist the “political movement to regularize” homosexuality, because “they view this as harmful to children and society.”