Storm Poll: Do You Think Laura Loomer Raped Lauren Southern?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2017

As we reported yesterday, both Cassandra Fairbanks and Lauren Southern are apparently accusing Jewish Zika baby Laura Loomer of raping someone. Lauren Southern is probably the alleged victim.

Loomer is a litigious kike, threatening all kinds of lawsuits against those involved. I’m certainly not going to accuse her of anything, but I am going to keep the focus on this issue. A bit like when, after Charlottesville, she kept the focus on trying to get Stormers and other Alt-Right persons kicked off of every platform she could.

She wasn’t directly involved in Charlottesville, and is supposedly not a leftist, but saw an opportunity to attack a perceived racial enemy.

Returning the favor here, Looms. Loomy. Loomsy.

Here’s some footage of Loomer with Gavin McInnes. She talks about how she’s taken dozens of dicks, then pulls down her pants, apparently attempting to seduce McInnes.

That’s definitely a behavior that would be considered  very inappropriate in most Anglo social settings, particularly those which are not at a college party. This is her out with professional colleagues. Extremely abnormal.

Here is another clip of her trying to initiate sex, wherein she complains to a blue-eyed Aryan about how people want to put her in a gas chamber.

That clip is less creepy, closer to standard bar-whore stuff. But still pretty creepy, I must say.

Also, I want to make it clear if I didn’t before that this /pol/ thread, wherein an alleged Proud Boy alleges that he was blackmailed into performing oral sex on her, was posted BEFORE the allegations were dropped by Cassandra and Lauren.

That doesn’t mean it’s true, but it does make it statistically much more likely that it is.

I mean, watch that video above of her drunk trying to have sex with that guy, and ask if the guy in the /pol/ thread could be the same guy. If it’s hard to picture things playing out like that.

It seems to me it definitely is not.

And, if she is doing that to men, it isn’t hard to imagine that the “rape” that the girls are talking about was a similar situation: forced sexual favors on threat of blackmail. Jewish sex with non-Jews is very much about humiliating the goy victim, and I can easily see how she would go both ways. When sex isn’t fundamentally related to the normal biological drive toward reproduction, the idea of bisexuality is not outrageous, and might even seem obvious.

Cassandra and Lauren are both pretty shiksas, whom I’m quite certain Loomer would get off on humiliating.

And she’s really fighting back hard. Protesting a little much, I’d say.

Here’s her latest tweet on the subject.

Personally, I think “rape” is probably the wrong word, but I have a very hard time believing that Cassandra and Lauren would just say this randomly, and have a very easy time believing Laura Loomer is a sex pervert (see Jewish face, video evidence of sexual perversion).

The ultimate question here is: did Laura Loomer “rape” Lauren Southern, in some fashion?

Do you think Laura Loomer raped Lauren Southern?

Not sure


This poll is not legally binding, I am not making any claims about anything Loomer did or did not do. I have no firsthand knowledge of the situation, so am not in a position to make any such claims.

I’m just asking questions here.