Stormer Forum Updates! [Clarified]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 29, 2016

UPDATE: People were triggered by the ban on religious flame threads, and I can see now that I wasn’t specific enough. I’ve posted a clarification.

red hair

Glorious Hacker weev has continued to improve our comments system/forum. Several major improvements.

Best is that we’ve now got a categories view on the front page. This makes it much easier to find threads, and keeps threads from getting totally buried. Daily post numbers are rapidly rising, so the view with all the threads on one page was becoming a mess.

If, however, you prefer that view, you can just click “latest.”

Daily Stormer BBS 2016-02-29

Make sure you choose a category for any post you make – right now there is only the news board – Tactical News Team Alpha – and the general discussion board – Tactical Discussion Room Prime, along with a “Site Issues” board for any technical problems your having or suggestions on improvements.


Please don’t leave posts in “Uncategorized.” I’m going to try to phase that out, but it still has a bunch of posts in it that need moved to other boards.

We’ve also fixed up the “top comments” which appear at the bottom of every post on the main page, making them look a bit better.

By the way, these comments are determined by the number of “likes” they receive, not by me. So be sure to “like” good comments.

Over the last couple days a few people reported getting errors when trying to sign in – that issue is now fixed.

The forum will be progressively improved, customized with more features. The open-source (i.e. non-kikeable) software we are using, Discourse, is being very actively developed, and we will add cool bobbles as they become available.

New Rules


Because of the rise in the number of users, we’re going to have to have a few more rules to keep things together from falling apart.

Firstly, as regular readers of the forum are aware, I’ve banned religious threads. There has never been a successful “religious debate” on the internet, and all attempts inevitably turn into emotional flame wars.

In fact, the thread I created to announce that there would be no more religious threads turned into a religious flame war, with two posters attempting to arrange a meet-up for a parking lot brawl.

So it is just a fact that all these threads do is sow dissension. You aren’t going to convince anyone of your religious views based on internet arguments, and it just becomes an ego thing.

This is not limited to Christianity, but all religions. As well as anti-religion threads.

I am not outright banning any mention of religion in any thread. Just be reasonable.

The other new rule is against flame wars, generally. Whereas in Disqus, flame wars were isolated, the linear discussion mode on this new system makes it possible for people to completely destroy a thread with a flame war. This is effectively a form of silencing the speech of others, since it makes a thread impossible to read.

Here’s an example.


I am defining flame wars as three or more back and forth insults (six posts total). So you can insult someone once or twice, but if it turns into a running argument, you’ll get a temporary ban.


Poster #1: Shut up kike!

Poster #2: No, you’re the kike! Shut up!

Poster #1: Yeah right, you kike – I will destroy you!

Poster #2: I always knew you were a kike!

Poster #1: Only a kike would call me a kike, kike!

Poster #2: Fight me, kike!

So that’s six posts total. You’ll get a 1 day ban the first time, 3 day ban the second time, 7 day ban the third time, 30 day ban the fourth time. Then a permaban the fifth time.

As it takes two to tango, both posters will be banned. And as I am not your babysitter, I will not be listening to arguments about who started it.

And, as you all know, any posts promoting or endorsing acts of violence will result in a permanent ban.

Also, though I think this is common sense, both pornography and gore imagery are banned. And doxing.

Flagging Offending Posts

Everyone should be familiar with the flagging system.

Merkel Threatens to Close Borders and Trap Her Moslems in Other Euro States

The fourth option when you click the flagging button, “something else,” allows you to give a description of what is being flagged.

Selection_999(834)Giving a description makes our job a lot easier, especially if it’s a longer post. It also makes it unnecessary to report multiple posts from the same user, as you can tell us what’s going on.

Don’t flag people for merely disagreeing with you, as we have enough to deal with and don’t need flag abuse. Flag abusers may receive a temporary ban.

The flagging system should be an efficient way to keep things rolling properly, if you all participate in a helpful way.


Contributions are always, always appreciated.

The goal is to continue to expand this operation, and that’s impossible without shekels.

If you can help out, please do. We can accept cash (all currencies), money orders and checks through the mail, bitcoin and through Google Wallet you can donate via credit/debit card.

All those details are here.

Slow and Steady

We will be expanding the forum, but we will be taking our time in doing so. I don’t want to overreach.

I know people are asking about a trolling board as well as a meet-up board, but there are details that need worked out first, and I also just generally need to get a better idea about the dynamics of running this forum.

For instance, dealing with the flame wars/childish behavior. There is a lot of psychology and sociology involved here, and it is something I have to think about how to deal with. Hopefully, the simple rules I’ve provided will fix the problem.

If you’re not already a member, get on it.

We’re having a lot of fun.

We’ve also got enough power that we shouldn’t go down on our live coverage of Super Tuesday.

This will be a huge DS event that you won’t want to miss.

Be there.

You can tell your grandkids about how you were there at the Daily Stormer when history was made, and the tide finally turned.


It’s going to be yuuuuuuuuuuge.

Hail Victory.