Stormer Shekels Shutdown 2016: Google Wallet and Liberapay Both Closed!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2016

with jews you lose

Thwarted again!

The Daily Stormer continues to maintain its title as the most shutdown operation ever in history.

Three weeks ago, Google Wallet shut us down.


I was going to announce it then, and ask for people to help out, but I wanted to wait until my balance was cleared before announcing.  While I was waiting for the balance to clear, Liberapay temporarily suspended our account.

Yes, Liberapay is the “free speech” processor which I put my trust in and hyped for months.

I didn’t know what was going to happen with Liberapay, so I held off on announcing until I got a response. Last night, I finally got a response: the account is being permanently closed and all money will be returned to those who donated.


That was several thousands of Euros which you people had already given (depending on how long you’d funded the accounts for, it could have been in the tens of thousands – it’s all anonymous, so I don’t know) – and which I had already allocated to our projects – which is now gone back to those who gave it. 1

You all should be getting that money back promptly, I am told.

For the record, it was not management of Liberapay which shut us down, but the company they were using to process cards. Also for the record, these guys did their best in trying to keep the account open. That said, it is extremely frustrating that they presented themselves as a safe outlet for free speech processing without having had vetted the processor.

But alas.

Spilled milk. No use crying.

We shall prevail.


Nagging Hassles is the Weapon of the Jew

There is of course some ego involved in being banned from everything, and I have the ability to look down on those who are not banned from everything as being viewed as less of a threat than we are viewed as. It also boosts our street cred – ain’t nobody calling the most shutdown site ever anything but the realest.

However, this ego-boost, street cred and accompanying confirmation that we are doing exactly the right thing, is not enough to make up for the hassle that is being shut down left and right by everyone non-stop.

This is their current strategy for dealing with dissidents. If they try and clamp down on us as people, charge us with things, they make us look like heroes. Instead, their strategy is to prevent growth through tortious interference with our finances.

Off the top of my head, I’ve been kicked off the following:

  • PayPal
  • Google Adsense
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • Patreon
  • Shopify
  • Stripe
  • Disqus
  • Google Wallet
  • Liberapay
  • Others I don’t remember

Plus multiple web servers. They’ve also shut down our upstream.

Most men would have given up by now. With the 70 and 80 hour work weeks I’ve put in for the last three years (third anniversary coming up on Monday!), I could have gotten rich.

But you see, I am not like most men: for I am driven by a deep and virulent hatred for Jews. Every part of my being is poured into stopping these kikes.

mel gibson tier hatred

I’m not exaggerating when I describe my hatred for the Jews as “Gibson-Tier.”

I really, really, really hate these people.

Help Stop These Kikes – Learn Bitcoin!

So basically, I’m sick of dealing with this. People need to use bitcoin – not just for the Daily Stormer, but because it is real money that isn’t controlled by Jews.

You can very easily sign-up for Coinbase to buy and send bitcoin. It’s as easy as PayPal. You can also use other services, of course. Here are some more details on buying.

This is my BTC address:


You can also send cash (any currency), check, money order, international postal money order, etc. to my box:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

No one (that I am aware of) has ever lost money by sending it through the mail, and people regularly send cash from as far as New Zealand. Just wrap it in something like a magazine, or put it in a card.

These are currently the only two ways of funding the site, and will remain that for the foreseeable future.

Only You Can Save The Daily Stormer!

As you’ve all seen, we’ve had new regular authors on the site. Their compensation was intended to be provided through the Liberapay account. But that is gone now.

So, in order to keep going – to keep with the expansion project – we need shekels sent in through the above methods.

So, if you enjoy the site, if you support the cause, and you want to see us continue to grow, send something.

What’s more – if you hate the Jews, send something.


Do you to be laughed at by Jews?


Or would you rather be doing the laughing yourself?

Look at all the effort they are going through to stop you from sending your own money to this site. It is not just my life they are invading, it is your life too. They are trying to take this site not just from me, but from you. In fact, it is more you they are trying to take it from than me – you’re the ones they don’t want to have our informations. I already have all these informations, which is how I provide them to you.

Doesn’t that make you angry?

Channel that anger, brothers. Channel it into signing up for bitcoin or buying an envelope and dropping something in the mail.

We need you.

Hail Victory.