Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2014

I have been working myself to the bone as of late, doing my regular writing, getting the forums figured out, attempting to get the site updated, and so on and on.
I haven’t had time to troll Twitter myself in quite a while, though I know you are all keeping it up.
I am presently strategizing for the next stages of Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch, and I need some information, provided as clearly as possible.
Try to answer any or all of the following questions in the comments section:
How is registration going? Are you still able to make unlimited new accounts?
If you are not able to make unlimited new accounts, what time of obstacles are you facing in doing so? Are they IP blocking? Does Tor get you around that?
Are they asking for SMS text confirmations? Does Tor get you around that?
How long are the accounts staying active? What causes them to be banned? Are they banned if you do not use known hashtags?
Are they “suspending” accounts and allowing you to continue to post while your posts are only visible to you and no one else? (Note: this is what I have expected them to do for a while now – silence you without telling you they’ve silenced you, so that you expend energy which goes nowhere. It is necessary to have multiple accounts to check each other and make sure they can see each other’s posts.)
Also, report any other information you have which you think may be useful for strategic planning.
Note on the Troll forum:
It is technically up now, though I won’t link it just yet. Not a lot of posts. We’re working out the details, making sure everything is smooth.
Note that eventually all trolling operations will be coordinated on this forum, mostly in private where you have to be a member to see it. Some of this is obviously effective when it is public, but as operations get more complex, we cannot allow the enemy to see our every move.
The next operation will be a comprehensive disruption of the Ferguson Black rioters. When the riots start after the verdict comes down – and the riots will start – they will be using Twitter. Our job is to infiltrate and nullify their operations.

This operation has a name, but that name will remain secret. Details will also remain secret.
If you want a Troll Forum account, you must meet requirements at this point, because it is still in beta. Eventually it will be open to public registration. Probable.
You either have to be known on the site from commenting over the last six months, or have donated before this post was made. Or – and I just thought of this right this second – you can send me a picture of yourself holding up a sign that says “Troll Forum Account Please.”
Otherwise, you will just have to wait for the time being. I cannot have the forum looking like these comments sections look by just letting anyone in. Eventually, we will have a stable community, and we can ban anyone who gets out of line as they will be easy to identify.
Other Note:
People have continued to post violent comments. I want to make it clear that this is not tolerated, on any level, whatsoever, and you will be banned, permanently. Yesterday I banned two long-time commenters. I will continue to do so. Even if you’ve posted here for a year, you do not have a right to attempt to shut this site down by posting this stuff.
Look at this recently submitted unapproved comment:

And there have been more like it. And people want to complain about how I hold first comments from a new email address/user name for moderation??? Think, man!
I wrote a long, rambling piece against this when I was enraged about it yesterday, but decided not to post it. Just know that I will not tolerate it, at all. Though I guess you already know that, as I say it constantly, and many still decide to do it anyway.
Also, we now get nearly 2 thousand comments a day, which I can only read a fraction of. If you see a violent comment, please report it immediately to me at
The Jews are currently looking for any way they can find to shut us down, and if you post a violent comment, or see a violent comment and don’t report it, you are helping these rat Jews.