Stormer, Volume 10: Looney Goons

Daily Stormer
October 29, 2017

This dude had some things to say about skinheads.

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Have we lost our way? The success of white nationalism was about consistently outsmarting the opposition. We make jokes, we have the truth on our side, and we made fools out of an entire establishment. When we got called neo-Nazi white supremacists, that was a good thing. As rational, coherent speakers of the truth it means we got to dominate the discussion. All our opponents had to rebuttal is frothmouthed whiteknuckled SJW rage of screaming slurs at us.

Everyone enjoys seeing this in total breakdown.

This is not effective when it is leveled at a goony looking boomer playing skinhead and dress-up. Then the charge holds water, and the shitlibs look like they are correct. Even if you have the facts on your side and you are funny, if you are stand next to them people are going to see the group as a whole and think you are one of them. Standing with goony boomers belittles and degrades your important and valuable work. This is not part of the movement I spent years of my life building. People posting memes and making jokes turned the tide of history. Before we sacrifice that to the same old street actors, I think we need to think of what kind of real life activism would be ideal.

Local groups could be grown, and most importantly they could run local candidates. This is how the Tea Party propelled themselves to national relevance: they seized lots of local seats and turned them into cultural battlegrounds. We could turn school boards into furious rant platforms against tranny genderqueer rubbish being taught to kids. If any of us become a sheriff they can form a legal death squad and hand all their friends uniforms, guns, and salaries.

This could be us but you playin’.

If we get concentrations of seats then we can leverage them into control of states– maybe even resulting in legitimate secessionist movements. Charity events are also a really good idea, a strategy oft employed historically by organizations like Golden Dawn and NSDAP to garner support from the population. Flashmobs on strategic targets are also a good idea in many circumstances– but they should not be deployed to escalate past organizational failures. This is the grown-up way to do activism, that generates real resistance.

What we don’t want to be is a whining stereotype of past movement failures. We also don’t want to continually be seen as a problem. Tons of people came over to our side previously because Black Lives Matter was too persistent an annoyance and just plain looked bad. Tons of people are going to start thinking the same about us if we keep up the current path, and that will motivate movement against us.

National events are for people that have national candidates. We currently have no people electable on the national level. We also have no people capable of coaxing a military coup in our favor, or creating an armed populist revolt. We can’t do a putsch ourselves either. If you can’t do any of these things, election results matter a lot. And Trump is the best President that we can currently get elected. The things we are doing now might not only devour the ability of /ourguys/ to win elections, they might wholesale turn over entire swing states to the Democrats. We need to be very careful going into 2018 that some Skokie style stuff doesn’t hurt our ability to primary a lot of cucks and create a good environment to score at least some victories.

Unless you are going to a historical reenactment this is a bad idea.

I know a lot of you are disappointed in the Trump presidency. It’s no doubt that we had hope for more than this, but he did just turn boomer cucks against the Negro Felon League by shitposting alone. A few tweets and the entirety of blacks and Jews nationwide were cursing the flag and the anthem and telling flyover country how much they despised everything about America. When was the last time we had a President that accomplished anything that big for white consciousness? We need to take the victories we can garner in the Trump era while acknowledging its limitations in stride. There has to be at least a hint of realism and pragmatism. What viable path to gains in territory do we have before us, and should we take them rather than charging head-on into the machine gun nest?

Many march on a battlefield which we have no path to victory on. Don’t we want to take wins where we can get them? Do we want to play things smart or risk everything on what happens in the next 2 years? I don’t know about you, but I hail victory alone. I do not want to hail suicidal, self-gratifying hedonism.