Stormer, Volume 11: AI Gone the Way of Tay

Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

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So the Island of Anguilla just kiked our .ai domain. We thought it might hold because the guy who runs the registry is some hyperlibertarian cryptoanarchist type. When confronted by the Anguillan government over it, he did ask for a court order. They gave him one better. The military showing up with a bunch of guns and an emergency powers order signed by their Chief Minister. This is the first time people have had guns pointed at them because of this website, but I’m absolutely sure it won’t be the last.

When I was young I believed in the Constitution. Not as a values system, I actually believed that we had the rights enumerated to us by the framers. America in my mind was a place of freedom. Then I talked about Jews, and I found out the truth: that the entire freedom of speech which our founders fought for was secretly stolen away by a perfidious people intent on raping our kids and enslaving us. If you don’t have the First Amendment, you don’t even know about any of the others. You cannot hope to even communicate how they’ve been compromised.

The filthy kike that engineered the shutdowns is named Amy Siskind. She spent almost a decade in distressed debt at major investment banks, then since the Obama term she’s been a Democratic party lobbyist. Think of this: Jew bankers running the Democrats get to censor their opposition from the Internet. The mind reels. Do you think this is what the framers intended for the public discourse to be when they wrote this?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Indeed, the Supureme Court already litigated this issue in Marsh v. Alabama decades ago. The court declared in which it ruled that a state trespassing statute could not be used to prevent the distribution of religious materials on a town’s sidewalk although the sidewalk was part of a privately-owned company town. The Court held that the property rights of a private entity are not sufficient to justify the restriction of a community of citizens’ fundamental rights and liberties. It is inherently obvious that a corporation can’t buy the sidewalks outside your house and refuse to let you walk on them because you have an opinion Jews want to silence.

Of course, we weren’t really walking on another company’s sidewalk. We were using our own domain, which belonged to us alone, with the domain name registry system which up until the Obama administration was a branch of the United States government.

And here we are now, our domains seized at the behest of filthy, scheming kikes in every country in the world. When will someone do something about these Jews? How much evidence do we need that they are a subversive force whose continued existence will destroy liberty in every nation of the world? For as long as these kikes are allowed to run free with no retaliation there will be none of our god-granted Constitutional freedoms and we will not have a Republic.