Stormer, Volume 21: This is the Year of Chinkdeath

Daily Stormer
January 14, 2018

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It wasn’t until I heard the vitriol about Chinamen coming out of a 10 year old’s mouth that I really started paying attention to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I knew it was the game that made PewDiePie say the nigger word but I figured he might have said that playing any shooter. It’s very common nowadays thanks to publications like this one and the general cultural of the Internet for young kids to hate niggers, yids, and spics. However it has always been an uphill battle to get people acquainted with the Chinese question. Those slants are too low T to go on rampant sprees of rape and B&E. However, those disgusting chinks every bit of the criminal amorality of any Moslem or African. It took a clever move by a competing gook nation to make the world aware of this.

I’ve clocked hours in most of the major e-sports. Plenty of CSGO and DotA2. PUBG is something different. It is truly a masterpiece. Bluehole, the Koreans studio responsible for PUBG, created the greatest multiplayer gaming experience to date and they are intentionally letting chinks ruin it. It took me a minute to figure out what those Koreans were doing, and it’s beautiful.

The first thing you have to understand is that Koreans absolutely despise Chinks. Chinese approval rating in Korea is lower than Japan. For those unfamiliar with the history of relations between Japan and Korea, Japan basically raped every single Korean woman for entire centuries. We’re talking a timeless blood feud fueled by horrific sex crimes perpitrated upon the Koreans by the Japanese. Even so, Korea is now collectively looking at Japan and saying, “yeah, well, they may have raped all our grandmas, but at least they aren’t those filthy, godforsaken Chinks.”

The problem that the Koreans saw is that nobody else hates the Chinese as much as they do. Not enough Westerners see the realities of Chinese behavior as the most egregious acts are confined within China’s borders. So Bluehole created market incentives for Chinese misbehavior to be put on prominent display in living rooms around the world. PUBG rewards do allow you to eke out financial gain greater than the cost of the purchase price of the game. However, if you grind away with hacks you’ll actually get a living wage a little bit better than gold farming on MMOs. So a flood of Chinese gold farmers now ruthlessly abuses the game across all regions. Kids all across the world are being shown that Chinamen are conniving cheaters ruining their joy over a fraction of a $4 digital loot crate.

This week’s PUBG patch notes on steam contain over ten thousand comments demanding that Chinese be segregated away from non-Chinese players. A large portion of these comments contain racial slurs. These poor kids had their first exposure to the ravages of globalism by being sniped with a shotgun from kilometers away while they are still parachuting out of the plane.

The Koreans are only trying to make the world hate the Chinese, but kids learning from PUBG that one race has specific undesirable qualities are going to find it much easier to notice undesirable qualities in other races as well.

I want to take this chance to officially endorse PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds for competing with The Daily Stormer as one of the biggest drivers of hate speech on the planet. Congratulations, Bluehole. You’ve earned that coveted Daily Stormer product endorsement, and you’re now the official e-sport of racists everywhere. We hope you never region lock China, so hate for those slanteye bastards will continue to grow in the hearts of young men.