Stormer, Volume 23: The Jordan Peterson Moment

Daily Stormer
January 28, 2018

Please don’t start a pogrom. Please, I beg you, just go clean your room. 

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This week neo-Cohen mainstay David Brooks published an op-ed in the New York Times which states: “My friend … argues that Jordan Peterson is the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now, and he has a point.”

The Kübler-Ross model– the “five stages of grief” indicates they are in bargaining phase. The Jews are now massively promoting Jordan Peterson in hopes of a new political compromise that simply neutrally opposes the things that Jews did in our society without acknowledging that they are solely responsible for the developments. Peterson attacks postmodernism, all varieties of gender insanity, and university indoctrination programs. The problem is that these things did not happen in a vacuum. They were inflicted upon us with malice by filthy, scheming kikes.

Meanwhile Paul Craig Roberts, who served in an economic policy position in the Reagan administration and is largely responsible for inventing Reaganomics just wrote in Unz: “Identity Politics is based in Jewish cultural Marxism, which was designed to break up goy society, and it has done a good job.” This is not an edgy shitpost on the Stormer, this is the vanguard of Reaganites. The fact that Jews are responsible for everything negative that’s been done to our nations is now being stated by figures at the center of normieville.

Goyim knowing is out of control, Jews. You can’t stop it at this point. Stop trying to negotiate. What we are doing is not a negotiation process. A compromise where you are not systematically punished for the wrongs you have done us is not on the table.

If Jews were not acting emotionally they’d jump straight to acceptance, first and foremost the acceptance of responsibility for all these wicked and evil things they have done to the goyim. Jews, your only hope is to admit what you’ve done in unison and beg for mercy. Abandon your filthy religion and adopt the philosophy of Christ– do unto others. Israel loves its wall– the Jews should make amends by funding Trump’s. Israel loves deporting niggers– start helping clean out every shitskin from the USA. Find all individuals that have been harmed by Jews and their nonwhite pets in Western countries and ensure they get fair and reasonable compensation for the harm and violence you’ve done to them. Assist in liquidating the kohanim, the Jewish aristocrats most culpable for that harm. Stop acting like burdensome kikes, make amends, and accept your punishments. It is your only hope to evade the fire.

Of course, kikes are incapable of doing anything remotely reasonable, so they’re gonna burn in ovens, LOL! Die you filthy Jew bastards!