Stormer, Volume 24: What’s in a .name?

Daily Stormer
February 4, 2018

Here’s our weekly content digest! Show your appreciation for the authors by helping preserve their work for posterity through the process of samizdat. Download this weekly edition, archive it on your local storage, reupload it to a different location than you found it, and share it from there. Encourage others to do the same.

  • PDF: 91 pages, 3.36M
  • ePub: 679 pages, 3.08M

Well, we lost two more domains this week. We had a good long run on .red there. I was starting to second guess myself and get complacent. I asked myself if the massive amount of time and resources we’ve been putting into stuff like these weekly PDF releases and doing upkeep on our patchset to the Tor server software was worth it. It’s been a burdensome thing for us, and it would be easier to just run a normal blog again. As it looked increasingly like our .red domain was going to hold, I wondered if perhaps we were misallocating our limited technical capacities.

Nope. Our .red fell, and our .top shortly after, and our focus was proven keen and farsighted. It is now apparent that it might take years for us to garner a stable domain again. That’s sort of insane, but it is the reality that we are dealing with. We’ll keep at it for as long as it takes.

Despite repeated losses of our domains, we are still at the point of being one of the top 50 US newspapers by circulation. It’s a humbling thing, thinking about the scale that we operate at. As the biggest pro-white publication in history (far exceeding the circulation of Der Stürmer at the height of National Socialist power, and the newspaper that serves my entire home state) we have also been censored at a scale similarly unprecedented in the history of man. Our current slogan– “The Most Censored Publication in History”– has been well earned. Software allows interesting new histories to be written, and we are the singular current battleground in the Internet censorship fight.

Organizations like the ACLU are, of course, nowhere to be seen on this battleground. I wonder if it has anything to do with the overwhelming Jewish presence in those organizations. “Civil liberties” just means freedom to libel our glorious President or distribute disgusting pornography to children to these monstrous kikes. Every “free speech” and “free press” organization is conspicuously absent when legitimate political speech is under threat.

We’re in this for the long haul. We realize now that this could be a battle that takes years, even decades, to resolve. We’re in it to win it. If you will stand with us in the divine struggle against ZOG, make sure you know how to use Tor, Monero, IPFS, and cryptographic messaging (GPG, Ricochet, OTR). Learn a programming language as well. The law and its advocates can do nothing for us. Only vigilante technology can protect us from tyranny.

I love you all, and I love the first amendment. Let’s conspire to turn everything that would threaten it into a pile of ashes.