Stormer, Volume 25: Rout of the Liberalists

Daily Stormer 
February 11, 2018

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I think there were risks to both sides going into the Anglin/Sargon discussion. I think the big risk for Anglin would be looking fundamentally unreasonable. He avoided that very well, and largely came off as what he is: a rough around the edges working class guy from Ohio who is passionate about the decline of his country. Every bit of the way he projected a reasonable tone.

The big risk for Sargon was coming off like a pedantic asshole. He did not avoid that risk at all. He shedded subs all night. His audience is quickly losing faith in him. The discussion was a chance for him to redeem himself after Spencer utterly slaughtered him. None of The Daily Stormer readers are going to change their minds or loyalties over the content of a debate. Sargon was the only party with something real to lose over this, and this has definitely dug him a deeper grave. He now says he’s never going to debate the alt-right again.

It’s over. These skepticfags have no more future. They’re just going back to talking about plans about defeating “the SJWs.” They have totally missed the forward charge of the train of cultural relevance. It’s not about defeating the SJWs anymore, Sargon. It’s about defeating the Jews. SJWs are just sad victims. I’ve never met a single one that was happy or self-aware. Those skanks are just victims of the Jewish machine of cultural Marxism. I actually pity the SJWs. If not for kikes, they would all lead fulfilling lives with multiple children. Think about that.

The consciousness of the Internet has evolved. We all get where the problems come from. Either these anti-SJW skeptic types are going to come up with real solutions to these problems or they’re going to continue to lose credibility. They can’t coast on having made funny videos about Anita Sarkeesian forever. That stuff is not relevant anymore. They need to really articulate what their ideas are besides “culturally converting” these hostile foreigners because it is quite clear that all these Moslems are not going to convert to our way of life. They’re going to rape our women and force Islam on our sons by the sword. That’s already happening. What are you going to do about it, Sargon? What about you, Western man? It’s gotta be something more drastic than YouTube snark, I can tell you that.