Stormer, Volume 26: Think Before You Meme

Daily Stormer
February 18, 2018

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There was a lot of negative reaction in their community this week as a group of kids on Discord tricked the media into thinking that a bunch of fat Siegeposters down in Florida had a school shooter in their ranks. A lot of people couldn’t vocalize well exactly why they were upset, so I think it is best to break this down analytically.

I don’t think people did anything wrong merely by making a media hoax. Having fun at the expense of the media is a positive externality, so let’s not chide them specifically for that. I think the problem was the figures they exposed to the media in this particular troll. The Siegeposters defended this act by comparing it to the Sam Hyde mass shooter memes. The difference is that Sam Hyde is funny, and physically fit. Four years ago, Sam Hyde was posting his 315 squat as a milestone.

He’s damn well become a lot bulkier since then. Sam Hyde is the kind of thing that we want to show to the public. He’s not just our guy, he’s industrious enough to have smuggled a ton of crimethink onto network television before getting banned for being a heebtrolling MAGA poster. Those people down in Florida look like the heaviest thing they’ve ever lifted is baked goods, and they have certainly never accomplished anything of note.

A lot of times you have to keep in mind that “what” and “how” are a lot less important than “who” — especially when dealing with the kind of public perception that mass media coverage brings. Even if making fun of a disgusting fat guy is a meme on your Discord server, that doesn’t mean that’s something you should share with all of America. That’s clearly detrimental to the movement, and then everyone has to ask why you are sharing something detrimental to the movement to the whole world. Next time if you are going to hoax somebody as a mass shooter, please choose someone charismatic and fit that can come off like they’re making a joke of the media and not simply plagued by bumbling ineptitude.

What’s saddest about all the events of the past months is what happened to Siege, which might have been an interesting book among many on our shelves. It made some good points for its era, though tons of it has not aged well in the era of the Internet. Now it has become a cultural shibboleth for people who want to engage in undesirable behavior. If you truly appreciate a work, don’t get it associated with perverse degenerates and people that look like juggalos.