Stormer, Volume 29: Hazards of Group Chats

Daily Stormer
March 11, 2018

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I see a lot of people still using Discord. I want you to understand how bad this is. Everything goes through Discord servers first. They’re archiving everything forever. Highly efficient voice codecs like Speex can be as little as 2.15 kilobits per second. That’s one megabyte per voice channel recorded per hour. A single tape cartridge in the most common Ultrium series now holds 12 terabytes of data and can be held in your hands. It costs $180. At 2.15 kilobits per second, they can hold fourteen centuries of voice recording on a single tape. Everything you say in your whole life can sit on a tiny tape and be stably held in that form until you die.

Imagine that tape in the hands of Communists– because that’s the type of people that run Discord.

I see some people abandoning Discord for Threema. It is subject to Swiss legal jurisdiction– essentially Merkelstan. Gonna have the same problems that we’ve had with Protonmail (also Swiss), who wipe hatespeechy users when they find them. Not because they want to, but because they have to. Platform censorship is going to be a bad issue here when the Stasi catch wind that evil alt-righters are making use of the app.

Do not consider the group chats safe. They are not safe. Since Threema’s private messages have perfect forward secrecy people might speak as if the group chats have forward secrecy. They really don’t. This isn’t really clear to people. I don’t want to use this stuff for the same reason I stopped using PGP for email. People assume PGP encryption meant message secrecy (it doesn’t, don’t make this mistake) and say things that should not be said over that medium.

What you should do is run a Tor hidden service IRC server for your group of friends. This requires some agency. It requires you all to learn to use Tor (all the regular readers of this publication managed when it was the only way to view the site, even our older guys like Azzmador, it is not impossible) and an IRC client. It’s worth it. You all need to start thinking about this immediately.

If enough groups ran Tor hidden service IRC services, they could link together eventually and become an anonymous international communications platform for everyone pro-white. Think about it.