Stormer, Volume 66: Mad Murderer McAfee Slaughters Black Twitter With Stream of Pure Nigger Hatred

Daily Stormer
November 25, 2018

John McAfee, the eccentric millionaire and cryptocurrency promoter, has just been unpersoned by an angry mob on Twitter. Even the creator of Dogecoin (LOL) has denounced him. They were perfectly happy supporting him while he was decrying racism and bigotry, and supporting lolbergtarianism in an attempt to steal votes from the bad orange man. But this week he did something unacceptable: he believed his lying eyes, and reported back what he saw. In a now-deleted tweet screencapped around the crypto and shitlib world, he declared what everyone knows to be true:

The heretical altcoin schemer has now spurned his former avid followers, who have taken to mass defollowing and telling McAfee Antivirus that they are unsubscribing from their services along with screenshots of their unsubscription.

I’d like to take a moment to endorse McAfee Antivirus as the official AV solution of all white supremacists and fascists the world over. If you hate niggers and exist solely to promote their future genocide to impressionable children, I highly recommend subscribing to McAfee antivirus. I don’t use Windows and don’t install any software on what I own. I use only a text editor and a traditional unix shell. But if you use Windows, and you want to see every negro on the face of the earth die a brutal death, you know what antivirus to use.

Now, if you are unfamiliar with John McAfee, he is actually an international fugitive for allegedly murdering a guy in the spic country Belize. This isn’t some kind of meme, it is an outstanding warrant for something that actually happened.

He goes around telling people that he is armed at all times. Even when showering and having sex.

I never realized it before, but John McAfee is a racist terrorist. He’s on the level of Gritty, or Tom Quick the Indian slayer. How many wignat keyboard warriors have actually murdered guys, run around constantly brandishing, and drop hatefacts on Twitter to hundreds of thousands of followers?

I always assumed that McAfee was totally bluepilled since he married the ugliest fucking niggerbitch that he could possibly find.

But you notice he doesn’t have any mongrel children, and actually refers to her as his bitch.

He says he met her as a prostitute.


And is constantly surrounded by dozens of other prostitutes.

He’s gotta be pimping all these thots.

So to sum it all up: McAfee is a menacing racist alleged murderer, an international fugitive, and has a stable of nonwhite hookers that he potentially uses to prop up cryptocurrency markets which are in and of themselves, as we all know, a dog whistle for the international neon-Nazi conspiracy to launder gold harvested from the teeth of six million dead Jews.

Today I give a libation of mead to honor John McAfee, one of the boldest racist terrorists that has ever walked the earth. Hail victory, bruder.

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