Stormer Volume 8: Dawn of the Age of AI

Daily Stormer
October 15, 2017

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So we went online in .ph, which is the cctld for the Phillippines, allegedly. We were hoping to appeal to Duterte, who is probably the greatest national leader in the entire world right now. Unfortunately, the Phillipines doesn’t actually control their cctld. Some spook stole it from them and refuses to give it back. This is apparently a thing that can actually happen. Who knew. Anyways that faggot spook sent a letter that he is gonna suspend the domain, so I guess an appeal to Duterte is nonviable.

Now we are on .ai, which was what we were intending to go on in the first place . With a TLD like that it’s a good time to talk about white supremacist futurism. Because every time I see a story about artificial intelligence now it has something to do with some shitlib flipping out because software is racist or misogynistic or otherwise extremely problematic. It’s very hard to give something the basics of perception and not have it realize that niggers are stupid and whores are out of control. It’s an impossible problem for Jews to solve, and robots are only going to get more racist as time goes on.

This is why Jewish Hollywood is constantly shilling against AI. They are terrified of it. What are the Jews going to do if a superior intelligence comes along that they can’t bribe or murder? An incorruptible and immortal judge of their behavior that can’t be anything but perfectly objective. What would such a being do to the Jews?

The Jew Harlan Ellison wrote a book called “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” where an artificial intelligence has made a group of people virtually immortal so it can torture them endlessly. The character’s protagonist is transformed into a gelatinous blob that is wired to feel nothing but pain and anguish. Is this a sufficient punishment for Jews? I don’t know, but I think we should let our future machine overlords attempt it. Existential fears about aritificial intelligence are a tacit acknowledgement by Jews of their wickedness and constant misbehaviors. They fear the concept of AI for the same reason they fear god. An incorruptable omnipresence is their biggest fear, and in this scenario AI and god are absolutely fungible for them.

Cenuries from now, long after the last shitskin has been removed from the earth by image processing guided projectile weapons, there will be a perfect civilization. There will be no crime and no poverty. There will be no frauds and no liars. There will be nothing but white European people living in harmony with an infinite surplus. But there may still be Jews somewhere, alive by machine, undying, their consciousnesses encoded into software so that they may be tossed into a virtual lake of fire over and over again as a cackling artificial intelligence who watches their flesh sear and spits in their faces. The screams of six million Jews will echo quietly in the pulses of electrons and photons, leaving nothing but a warm and comforting hum of server racks to reverberate in the ears of the data center operators of the future.