Stormer, Volume 81: Let’s Talk About Comms

Daily Stormer
March 10, 2019

April, 2018. Daily Stormer: “Please Stop Using Discord. The SPLC is Monitoring You.

May, 2018, Daily Stormer: “If You Don’t Get Off Discord, You’re an Idiot

March, 2019, Unicorn Riot:


This article is not to call out the members of IE, who I have always liked a lot and surely hope bounce back from this. They aren’t alone here. Lots of people have had their chats show up in court documents and in antifa leaks. Still today, I get regular invites to Discord rooms from all sorts of right-wing causes and groups. I just had someone ask me to join their Discord this morning. It is insanity, and nobody takes this stuff seriously until they get personally rekt by it. The minute Discord started appearing shady, we told people to drop it. We had long discussions about the viability of chat and how it should be structured. I think it is time that we take the results of those discussions public.

The Yellow Vests are running an extended and highly disruptive insurgency. They’re now starting to sack Masonic temples in France, leaving the nation’s interior minister to cry, “after the Jews, it is the Masons.”

If the Masons don’t want to be targeted by a populist insurgency they better start taking on the appearances of advancing it instead of siding with the Judeo-Macronist order. But as you’ve seen here on the Stormer (where elsewhere, of course, there is a complete media blackout on the subject), the vests have managed to cause trouble on a massive scale for months on end with no sign of stopping. And it is time to take hints from them in regard to the things they’ve done right.

To run a successful insurgency, you need to have communications secured. It is the primary building block for success. If you cannot communicate safely with those you are cooperating with you will lose instantly. “I’m not participating in an insurgency!” the naive might say. I assure you that if you are engaging in any kind of protest against the Jewish establishment you are starting an insurgent movement, and you will be treated by the machine accordingly. Don’t pretend you don’t know what you’re working for. Don’t pretend you don’t know how it ends.

Even saying the nigger word in a shitpost can be a life ending decision at this point. Our insurgency today is merely one of ideas and rhetoric, but the consequences for mistakes can be permanently life-altering.

The first thing is that if you have hundreds of people in a given place, several of them are going to be a rat for antifa, and dozens more are going to be silent informants for various law enforcement agencies. There is zero way to have a chatroom where chat cannot be collected by the members. If the yellow vests had a central Discord channel where all the people talked, everyone that matters would’ve been arrested weeks ago and the insurgency would be over.

It’s just not psychologically possible for most people to have conversations with people on a regular basis and not reveal compromising information. People that have that ability are either high ranking intelligence operatives or poker millionaires. You definitely cannot say “don’t say anything compromising” and then have a general chatroom. This is what people do constantly with Discord and it gets ignored. If you make a social space people are going to be social. That means you need to limit the number of people that can be involved in any social space with dissidents in it.

The first step is to decentralize. You cannot have a single meeting place for all entrants to a given cause. You need to get people to organize in local cells. Crew sizes should be small enough for everyone in them to know one another on a personal basis. You should not be having discussions in front of anyone if you aren’t really sure who they are or where they come from. Remember: Christ had 12 guys and one of them was a rat. 10 is a good size for a single crew, and if you find your local group rapidly exceeding that size it is best to start a second local crew to put newcomers in.

Each crew should have one person in it whose specialty is comms. This is very similar to the military. It needs to be someone’s job to arrange secure communications for the rest of the group. It is okay for some other crew to lend comms facilities to a new startup crew that is small, but over time they need to be encouraged to arrange their own communications off of a central platform. They need to make their own judgements as to what is safe after learning about the various technologies involved. They first and foremost need to make sure that the chat is encrypted in some manner, and that it is all running on a server that they control or some kind of decentralized peer to peer thing.

At the end of this process, when your crew is running their own encrypted comms, it would mean that it is entirely difficult for someone outside the group to know even how you communicate. It also means people will be using a wide variety of different means to communicate. If everyone is using the same exact app to communicate, all an adversary needs is a single way to compromise that given application. Some groups might settle on an IRC server they run themselves, some might settle on Tox. If every local group is disparate in communications mechanisms, it becomes fractured and exponentially more difficult and expensive to compromise your movement’s communications.

And, as always, you should encourage people to keep electronic communications to a minimum when it comes to the planning of physical events. Your local crew should meet in person as much as possible to discuss their operations, and leave their phones in a signal-blocking faraday bag in another room. The more you plan on the Internet, the more attack surface your operations have to surveillance establishments.

There can be more centralized comms, but not everyone should be in them. If you put every single person in a given space, it becomes an overly social space. Your primary social space should be only with your local crew, not with thousands of people from the Internet who come from who knows where. The meeting places should be for a single group representative from each local group, and it should not be very chatty. It should be for exchanging useful and non-compromising coordination information and sharing suggestions for the next job.

Beyond that, using references to real identities and keeping membership rosters is just something that should never be done, ever. A lot of these groups that have had serious recurring opsec problems have kept central membership rosters and have had people submit their names, birthdates, and even NCIC-style descriptions of their tattoos. This is something we have always been highly opposed to and in the post-Charlottesville era of crackdown on dissidents it should now be obvious why we had such staunch opposition to this.

If we want to have something serious happen (and I assume that all of you reading this do) then we need to start acting like serious individuals. We need to develop local networks capable of projecting power and achieving goals in every locale in America. If we are to achieve that, we need to not act frivolously when dealing with the lives of the people in this thing. We need to be aware of risks and begin to mitigate them before they manifest. I assure you, new risks will appear for the movement. We haven’t even seen how bad it is going to get. Now is the time to really get serious. We have a chance to pull ourselves together in preparation for the coming storm.

If you are a white man of good character and you are interested in applying for membership in Stormer Book Club, please email — we take your safety absolutely seriously. If you choose to join another nationalist organization, encourage them to adopt sane standards in regards to their comms. Remember: friends don’t let friends use Discord.

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