Stormer Weekly Digest, Volume 5

Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

Please samizdat. Download the copies of the Stormer weekly edition, archive them on local storage and reupload to a new site and share that link. This weekly archive may be all that remains of the site if they ever get around to murdering us.

PDF: 86 pages, 4.1 MB
eBook reader: 715 pages, 3.9 MB

I must admit, there have been times in the past weeks where I have been riddled with doubt. When you are working for days with no break doing the same thing over and over it is easy to take the blackpill. In the beginning when we first got the domain seized we were a huge news item, so we’d go online on the .wang, the .ru, the .lol and see just massive levels of traffic because we were possibly the biggest news story in the world there for a little while but as more domains got seized, we went to Tor for a while.

We didn’t even bother trying to do analytics on Tor– it is extremely difficult when you can’t see anyone’s IPs and filter out bad traffic. There were many days when the traffic didn’t appear so great, because there are many channels like Tor and this weekly digest that I can’t measure. I’d see very small fractions of site traffic and wondered if this was over, if I was just treading water keeping a doomed site online for no reason.

Yesterday, Saturday the 23rd, a new dawn rose, and we showed 57.5% of the usual site audience on normieweb. You know what that means? You won’t see it in major analyics sites like Alexa yet because those things are 90 day averages of traffic, but know this: we’re #1 again. The boys are back in town.

Now I know it isn’t about a domain name. You aren’t reading this site because of backlinks, or search results, or anything of the sort. I know that you’re here because we have a monopoly on something. The product we offer is irreplaceable. You will come back for it forever, because there is nothing else like it. Our product is thus: We tell the truth about Jews, Moslems, nonwhites, sodomites, and women.

We have a complete monopoly on the truth.

There are plenty of excellent sites that will tell you part of the truth. American Renaissance will tell you all about nonwhites and Moslems, but avoid the most important adversary of the Jew. You cannot confront the question of the Negro without acknowledging that before the Jewish-led civil rights movements we didn’t have a Negro problem. Negros used to have functional communiti es, kids born in wedlock, and life expectancies not too much lower than whites until the Jew put his hooks in their minds. After the machinations of the Jew they’re becoming doomed, fatherless criminals at unprecedented rates. MRA sites will touch upon the truths about feminism but from an utterly sissified perspective of Judaized whining about “rights” instead of telling you to be a fucking man and put those fucking skanks in their place. There are some prominent anti-Semites funded by Moslems that will tell you truth about Jews but pretend that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Islam and racial demographic shift. Counter Currents will offer thoughtful commentary on a lot of subjects but pretend that faggots belong in government instead of the bottom of bogs.

We tell you everything we feel, everything you think, in a way that gives you hope. That elevates your spirit and makes you want to commit yourself to battle. Because we do this, no matter how many times they steal our domain or take this site down, you come back. As long as this product exists, you will read it, and so my labor has meaning. Thank you all.