Stormfront: 04-16-15

Daily Stormer
April 16, 2015

It looks like Ann Coulter is showing border-line White Nationalism in her new book.

Don Black and Roy question why it is possible to land a drone on the Whitehouse lawn, if we are living in a high security police state?

The similarity between that and the landing of a cessna aircraft in Red Square is drawn.

In the eighties you could still buy dynamite if you could provide your driving licence, so things have become more restricted, but at the same time you can now print your own gun with a 3D printer.

Part 1


Don Advo joins for part 2 and talks about a book entitled ‘Adios America’ by Ann Coultier that looks to be right on point about the immigration issue.

Don thinks she could be a closet White Nationalist, even though she is a kosher-conservative.

This could be a flash-point book like Thomas Paine’s ‘Common Sense’ and more recently ‘A Choice Not an Echo.’

