Stormfront Radio: 01-22-15

Daily Stormer
January 22, 2015

Civil Rights Confrontation

Don Black retells the history of Stormfront from humble beginnings as a bulletin board in 1995, to the World Wide Web and streaming pro-White videos in 2015.

Along the way there were many attempts to shut them down, but they refused to back down.

A caller that thinks Alex Jones’ theories about the NWO being run by Nazis are true, is patiently dealt with and Roy explains why the CIA were not created from the SS.


Don Advo is back and Martin Luther King’s legacy gets a good demolishing from him, explaining how the common law he tried to appeal to, had nothing at all to do with him.

None of today’s Blacks were ever slaves, it is today’s White who are the slaves, forced to work in order to pay for the Blacks to sit around on welfare.

The idea of White people today who never owned slaves, paying reparations to today’s Blacks who never were slaves, is outrageous.
